Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles: A Radio Drama Starring Derek Jacobi & Hayley Atwell (Free Audio Book)

Image by Futuril­la, via Flickr Com­mons

For your week­end lis­ten­ing plea­sure, we present a 70 minute radio drama­ti­za­tion of The Mar­t­ian Chron­i­cles, Ray Brad­bury’s “time­less fable of doomed Mar­t­ian coloni­sa­tion.” Aired by the BBC, this pro­duc­tion stars Derek Jaco­bi and Hay­ley Atwell. Read this lit­tle blurb, which helps set the stage. Then stream the embed­ded Spo­ti­fy audio below.

When the first expe­di­tion to Mars mys­te­ri­ous­ly dis­ap­pears, Earth sends a sec­ond to find out what hap­pened. But the real mis­sion is clas­si­fied. And only Cap­tain Wilder knows the truth. Spender, an anthro­pol­o­gist on Wilder’s crew, attempts to pre­vent the coloni­sa­tion that she believes will erad­i­cate the last of an ancient peo­ple liv­ing on Mars. But to what lengths will she go?

As the hon­ourable but duty-bound Cap­tain Wilder tracks the now rogue Spender into the Mar­t­ian moun­tains, the future of this ancient plan­et is at stake. Mean­while, Earth itself teeters on the brink of its own glob­al cat­a­stro­phe as the very sur­vival of human­i­ty hangs in the bal­ance.…

If you need Spo­ti­fy, down­load it here.

This pro­duc­tion will be added to our col­lec­tion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free.

Look­ing for free, pro­fes­­sion­al­­ly-read audio books from Audible.com? Here’s a great, no-strings-attached deal. If you start a 30 day free tri­al with Audible.com, you can down­load two free audio books of your choice. Get more details on the offer here.

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