FYI: Nathan Nobis, a phiÂlosÂoÂphy proÂfesÂsor at MoreÂhouse ColÂlege in Atlanta, recentÂly pubÂlished AniÂmals and Ethics 101: ThinkÂing CritÂiÂcalÂly About AniÂmal Rights. A well-reviewed introÂducÂtion to aniÂmal ethics, the textÂbook (creÂatÂed to accomÂpaÂny an online course on the same subÂject) evalÂuÂates the arguÂments for and against varÂiÂous uses of aniÂmals, includÂing:
- Is it moralÂly wrong to experÂiÂment on aniÂmals? Why or why not?
- Is it moralÂly perÂmisÂsiÂble to eat meat? Why or why not?
- Are we moralÂly obligÂatÂed to proÂvide pets with vetÂeriÂnary care (and, if so, how much)? Why or why not?
You can buy the paperÂback on AmaÂzon for $5.99 or KinÂdle for $2.99. But Nobis has also made the text availÂable free online, under a CreÂative ComÂmons license. You can downÂload it in mulÂtiÂple forÂmats here.
Ethics 101: ThinkÂing CritÂiÂcalÂly About AniÂmal Rights will be added to our list of Free TextÂbooks.
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To answer this quesÂtion we need to address what, if any, is the meanÂingÂful difÂferÂence between human aniÂmals, and othÂer aniÂmals.
CanaÂda just outÂlawed genetÂic disÂcrimÂiÂnaÂtion in the “Human Rights” act, for examÂple. TakÂen litÂerÂalÂly, that would potenÂtialÂly make it illeÂgal to disÂcrimÂiÂnate against chimÂpanzees.
Notably, we can still disÂcrimÂiÂnate against our future robot overÂlords. Not sure how long they’ll put up with that. Unlike aniÂmals, they get realÂly smart, realÂly fast, and they nevÂer forÂget it, and teachÂing is as simÂple as copyÂing the files.
But if we are (as I think seems plauÂsiÂble) going to recÂogÂnize rights for smart robots, there will be even less ground for failÂing to recÂogÂnize rights for non-human aniÂmals.
MulÂtiÂple sources, but not mulÂtiÂple forÂmats I think.
to the david rothkopf and his magÂaÂzine. anothÂer ediÂtor from more magÂaÂzine abby perlÂman got envolved in dirty corapÂtion busiÂness with crazy cbs anchor otis livÂingston to steal monÂey from forÂeign polÂiÂcy magÂaÂzine’s employÂees bank accounts. nevÂer trust otis livÂingston and abby perlÂman they belongs in jail.