Not too long ago, we feaÂtured for you 4 hours of ambiÂent music creÂatÂed by Moby, all of which you can downÂload for free, and use to sleep, medÂiÂtate, do yoga and genÂerÂalÂly not panÂic. Sound timeÂly? Then downÂload away.
PerÂhaps takÂing a cue from Moby, the Relax Sleep ASMR YouTube chanÂnel has also assemÂbled a “video” offerÂing 10 hours of ArcÂtic ambiÂent music, feaÂturÂing the sounds of the frozen ocean, ice crackÂing, snow falling, [an] iceÂbreakÂer idling and [a] disÂtant howlÂing wind sound.”
Click play above and you can enjoy “white noise sounds genÂerÂatÂed by the wind and snow falling, comÂbined with deep low freÂquenÂcies with delta waves from the powÂerÂful … idling engines” of a Polar IceÂbreakÂer. Very chill.
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via Boing Boing
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Dr. Weil’s 60-SecÂond TechÂnique for Falling Asleep
10 Hours of AmbiÂent ArcÂtic Sounds Will Help You Relax, MedÂiÂtate, Study & Sleep
How a Good Night’s Sleep — and a Bad Night’s Sleep — Can Enhance Your CreÂativÂiÂty
Wow! Turn this on and head to bed. What a relaxÂing way to drift to sleep.
M. HenÂry
Love this! Thanks so much!