1950s Batman Cartoon Tells Kids: “Don’t Believe Those Crackpot Lies About People Who Worship Differently”

“Don’t believe those crack­pot lies about peo­ple who wor­ship dif­fer­ent­ly, or whose skin is of a dif­fer­ent col­or, or whose par­ents come from anoth­er coun­try. Remem­ber our Amer­i­can her­itage of free­dom and equal­i­ty!”

Blow the dust off the vin­tage 1950s Pub­lic Ser­vice Announce­ment (PSA) from Bat­man.

Back dur­ing the Eisen­how­er era, refugees from World War II did­n’t exact­ly get a warm recep­tion in the Unit­ed States. And so the forces of good, DC Comics, cre­at­ed some PSAs designed to encour­age kids to treat new cit­i­zens with kind­ness and under­stand­ing. You can see one frame from a larg­er car­toon above. The mak­ers of Super­man car­toon also cre­at­ed their own tol­er­ance poster. Check it out here. And hope­ful­ly you’ll help spread the same mes­sage today.

via Boing Boing

Relat­ed Con­tent

1950 Super­man Poster Urged Kids to Defend All Amer­i­cans, Regard­less of Their Race, Reli­gion or Nation­al Ori­gin

Bat­man Stars in an Unusu­al Car­toon Adap­ta­tion of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Pun­ish­ment

The Evo­lu­tion of Bat­man in Cin­e­ma: From 1939 to Present

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  • Bill W. says:

    The dif­fer­ence is, in the 50’s, Mus­lim immi­grants weren’t com­mit­ting acts of ter­ror­ism in the U.S. Today, they real­ly are killing peo­ple here in hor­rif­ic ways. It’s one thing to be tol­er­ant, com­plete­ly anoth­er to be naïve and non-vig­i­lant regard­ing the uncom­fort­able truth!

  • Randy says:

    “Don’t believe those crack­pot lies”

    We aren’t. We’re read­ing their holi­est book. We’re read­ing their col­lec­tions of sec­ond-tier holy mate­r­i­al. We’re lis­ten­ing to their schol­ars. We’re read­ing the laws they imple­ment when they achieve pow­er. We’re read­ing the polls they answer around the globe. And we’re check­ing the rea­sons behind the var­i­ous ter­ror­ist attacks done in the name of reli­gion glob­al­ly.

    Nowhere in there is a “crack­pot lie”.

  • LJ says:

    Have to agree, immi­grants have com­mit­ted acts of ter­ror­ism against the true Amer­i­cans… So when are you get­ting out and giv­ing the native Amer­i­cans their coun­try back instead of run­ning oil pipelines through their sacred lands? The Amer­i­can set­tlers were the first ter­ror­ists in the coun­try. Plus how would you notice the mid­dle east­ern ter­ror­ists? I bet they hard­ly make a dent in the num­bers from Amer­i­cans shoot­ing each oth­er every day.

  • Nancy Zamboni says:

    1. The immi­grants are not the ter­ror­ists.
    There are many sta­tis­tics which show that.
    2. It is a mis­take to eval­u­ate a reli­gion by pick­ing and choos­ing pas­sages out of con­text.
    Even when mem­bers of a reli­gion do that they may not rep­re­sent the main­stream liv­ing faith and tra­di­tion.

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