George Orwell’s 1984 Is Now the #1 Bestselling Book on Amazon

George Orwell’s clas­sic dystopi­an nov­el, 1984, has sud­den­ly surged to the very top of the Ama­zon’s best­seller list. Though first pub­lished in 1949, it’s back with a vengeance. And George only has the new admin­is­tra­tion to thank.

We’ll have more on Orwell’s 1984 tomor­row. In the mean­time, enjoy some great 1984 picks from our archive below:

Hear the Very First Adap­ta­tion of George Orwell’s 1984 in a Radio Play Star­ring David Niv­en (1949)

George Orwell Explains in a Reveal­ing 1944 Let­ter Why He’d Write 1984

A Com­plete Read­ing of George Orwell’s 1984: Aired on Paci­fi­ca Radio, 1975

Hux­ley to Orwell: My Hell­ish Vision of the Future is Bet­ter Than Yours (1949)

George Orwell’s Har­row­ing Race to Fin­ish 1984 Before His Death

Note: You can down­load Orwell’s 1984 as a free audio­book (or two oth­er books of your choice) if you sign up for’s free tri­al pro­gram.  Learn more about Audible’s free tri­al pro­gram here.

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  • Bill W. says:

    …and the Big Gov­ern­ment-lov­ing ‘Pro­gres­sives’ read­ing it are com­plete­ly obliv­i­ous as to whom Orwell was crit­i­ciz­ing in the novel­la!

  • Cosmo Curtis says:

    Don’t let Orwell become a prophet.

  • Joe Blough says:

    This is incor­rect. Ama­zon shows 1984 at #4,800. You are off by a fac­tor of four thou­sand and eight hun­dred. Must be accept­able mar­gin of error for lib­er­als.

  • Synesso says:

    Thank you for that alter­na­tive fact Bill.

  • C Peterson says:

    If you don’t want to mess around with an Audi­ble tri­al, Over­drive has the ebook and down­load­able audio­book free through par­tic­i­pat­ing libraries.

  • Joe says:

    4800 is the num­ber of peo­ple who rat­ed… Or how to do what you want with num­bers :p

  • David says:

    You’re both right, and wrong, after a fash­ion. The best sell­ers list linked above is what’s cur­rent­ly sell­ing the fastest. The #4800 sta­tus is refer­ring to all-time sales. So it’s #1 in the cur­rent peri­od, #4800 over all. A sim­ple mat­ter of con­text, some­thing both the left and the right could do a bet­ter job of observ­ing.

  • TheWild Webster says:

    lol — why? Because peo­ple think Trump is big broth­er? They should be buy­ing Hitch­hik­er’s Guide to the Galaxy — Trump (not unlike Oba­ma and Bush) is yet anoth­er Zaphod

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    Wow! #1 in Dystopi­an Sci-fi nov­els seri­ous­ly? What about the num­ber 1 book on non fic­tion, female authored, novel­las on white hedge­hogs! Please stop try­ing to force your nar­ra­tive. Jeez.

  • Bill W. says:

    Thank you for the Dou­ble Speak. Haven’t read it yet, have you? The Min­istry of Truth thanks you for your sup­port.

  • Randy says:

    I can just imag­ine peo­ple of the ctrl-left read­ing this, and total­ly miss­ing that it’s about THEM.

    Just today, in fact, a once-respect­ed man in my city is being “inves­ti­gat­ed” for crime­think.

  • bug says:

    This is incor­rect. Ama­zon was show­ing 1984 at 4800 REVIEWS. It’s up to 4806 reviews now. The num­ber next to the stars has noth­ing to do with its sales rank­ings. Look­ing at the wrong thing must be an accept­able way to get facts for con­ser­v­a­tives.

  • Crask says:

    Actu­al­ly, it’s the Democ­rats he has to thank. Lib­er­als believe what­ev­er Democ­rats instruct them too pri­mar­i­ly via their come­di­ans, but also through their loy­al­ists in news.

    Oh, that’s anoth­er thing, Synes­so, in order to Orwell’s sto­ry to become real­i­ty, 95% of news would have to be mind­less­ly prais­ing Trump and his allies like they did with Oba­ma and Hillary.

  • Hope Carr says:

    You are right Joe, it is not 4,800,
    It is 47,000 Forty Sev­en Thou­sand and more since the Novem­ber elec­tion. It is good to see that a con­ser­v­a­tive can actu­al­ly think out­side the box, you may be get­ting more pro­gres­sive, con­grat­u­la­tions and keep it up.

  • Hope Carr says:

    You are right Joe, it is not 4,800,
    It is 47,000 books sold. Forty Sev­en Thou­sand BOOKS SOLD and more since the Novem­ber elec­tion. It is good to see that a con­ser­v­a­tive can actu­al­ly think out­side the box, you may be get­ting more pro­gres­sive, con­grat­u­la­tions and keep it up.

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