Download & Print Free Shepard Fairey Protest Posters

Shep­ard Fairey prob­a­bly first crossed your radar when he drew the icon­ic “Hope” poster so asso­ci­at­ed with Barack Oba­ma’s 2008 cam­paign. Now, he returns with anoth­er set of posters to help protest the inau­gu­ra­tion of one Don­ald J. Trump. If you head over to the Ampli­fi­er Foun­da­tion web site, you can down­load and print a series of posters (shown above) by Fairey. The same applies to a num­ber of posters designed by oth­er artists, includ­ing Jes­si­ca Sabo­gal and Ernesto Yer­e­na.

The images cap­ture the “shared human­i­ty of our diverse Amer­i­ca” and con­demn the exclu­sion­ary poli­cies of the incom­ing admin­is­tra­tion. And thanks to the $1.3 mil­lion raised through a suc­cess­ful Kick­starter cam­paign, these posters will fig­ure into a larg­er Inau­gu­ra­tion Day plan. Here’s how it will work:

Much of Wash­ing­ton will be locked down on Inau­gu­ra­tion Day, and in some areas there will be severe restric­tions on signs and ban­ners.  But we’ve fig­ured out a hack.  It’s called the news­pa­per!  On Jan­u­ary 20th, if this cam­paign suc­ceeds, we’re going to take out full-page ads in the Wash­ing­ton Post with these images, so that peo­ple across the capi­tol and across the coun­try will be able to car­ry them into the streets, hang them in win­dows, or paste them on walls.

You’re wel­come to print and post these posters around your town–wherever it’s legal­ly per­mit­ted to do so. To down­load the posters, click here.

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If you would like to sup­port the mis­sion of Open Cul­ture, con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your con­tri­bu­tions will help us con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing the best free cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als to learn­ers every­where. You can con­tribute through Pay­Pal, Patre­on, and Ven­mo (@openculture). Thanks!

Relat­ed Con­tent:

2,200 Rad­i­cal Polit­i­cal Posters Dig­i­tized: A New Archive

A Gallery of Visu­al­ly Arrest­ing Posters from the May 1968 Paris Upris­ing

Artist Shep­ard Fairey Curates His Favorite YouTube Videos

Google Puts Online 10,000 Works of Street Art from Across the Globe


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We’re hop­ing to rely on our loy­al read­ers rather than errat­ic ads. To sup­port Open Cul­ture’s edu­ca­tion­al mis­sion, please con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion. We accept Pay­Pal, Ven­mo (@openculture), Patre­on and Cryp­to! Please find all options here. We thank you!

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  • Maxwell says:

    Pol­i­tics is an ugly col­or on you, Open Cul­ture.

  • Susan Baskin says:

    Beau­ti­ful posters and a great way to speak up for women. I’ve admired Shep­ard Fairey’s work for a long time.

  • Randy says:

    Con­sid­er The Ampli­fi­er Foun­da­tion’s poster for the Wom­en’s March, the day after. “Women Are Per­fect” it pro­claims. Nec­es­sar­i­ly it fol­lows that men are less than. So typ­i­cal­ly fem­i­nist. How­ev­er it does dove­tail with the idea that women have to be cov­ered, to pre­vent men from see­ing them as sluts, and rap­ing them. So very Mus­lim.

    I will have noth­ing to do with these peo­ple.

    While I oppose what appear to be your pol­i­tics, I would hope to nev­er demand you should­n’t pro­mote your view­point, using the art that express­es it. That’s not what we should do, in the mid­dle, in times that des­per­ate­ly need a mid­dle.

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    I’ll print them up to line my bird­cage.

  • Vova says:

    What men are not “we peo­ple”..?

  • Eric says:

    “Nec­es­sar­i­ly it fol­lows that men are less than.”

    “How­ev­er it does dove­tail with the idea that women have to be cov­ered”

    Do you know that your per­son­al inter­pre­ta­tions do not nec­es­sar­i­ly depict the truth?

  • L J Cooper says:

    For the first time in 50 years I did­n’t vote. I could­n’t decide between Bad and Worse. Good luck, U S A. You get what you deserve.

  • Steve Green says:


  • jack cade says:

    This is a great site, but if I want left­ist opin­ions, I’ll go to PuffHo. Please bear in mind that 1) not all of us intel­lec­tu­als are to the left, and 2) it’s impor­tant to keep pol­i­tics out of our under­stand­ing of cul­ture as much as human­ly pos­si­ble. Also what Maxwell said, far more suc­cinct­ly than I could.

  • Robert says:

    Democ­ra­cy won!
    Democ­rats appar­ent­ly hate democ­ra­cy!

  • Alison Hodge says:

    Wow, a lot of very defen­sive men post­ing here. Has it occurred to you guys that when some­one feels pos­i­tive about them­selves or self con­fi­dent, or feels the need to assert them­selves because of a long­stand­ing unfair­ness, mis­un­der­stand­ing or injus­tice, it does not mean they are putting you down. ‘Black lives mat­ter’ for exam­ple — I guess we should have said ‘black lives mat­ter too’ so that peo­ple did­n’t assume we were imply­ing that oth­er lives did­n’t — which we nev­er were. Who knew? It seems like this defen­sive­ness and neg­a­tiv­i­ty might be a big part of the prob­lem. Try lis­ten­ing and learn­ing to oth­ers, instead of just get­ting defen­sive. Sor­ry guys, it’s not all about you. Some­times it’s about sup­port­ing oth­ers, and find­ing out what they need. And I’m sure peo­ple will be invest­ed in hear­ing what you do need, if you can tell them rea­son­ably, instead of just met­ing out crit­i­cism when oth­ers speak up.

  • Alison Hodge says:

    And the art­work is beau­ti­ful. Thank you :)

  • Cassius Wright says:

    If you are intel­lec­tu­al as claimed then you cer­tain­ly real­ize that pol­i­tics is cen­tral to under­stand­ing all cul­ture, from the dawn of civ­i­liza­tion until the end of it. Exam­ples include Greece, Egypt, Chi­na, Rome, (and every oth­er soci­ety). True intel­lec­tu­als make their own opin­ions and do not lean towards a par­ty affil­i­a­tion- They go with the best option for their vote each and every time, and they base it upon research not car­ried out by oth­ers but by them­selves. See­ing how you’re an intel­lec­tu­al I’m pos­i­tive you knew that though :)

    also- what Dan the Edi­tor said to your bud­dy Maxwell.

  • Brian C Gay says:

    Ali­son Hodge said: “And I’m sure peo­ple will be invest­ed in hear­ing what you do need, if you can tell them rea­son­ably, instead of just met­ing out crit­i­cism when oth­ers speak up.”

    So when the edi­tor of this web­site, Dan Col­man, replied with: “Put dif­fer­ent­ly, I’m not inter­est­ed in your opin­ion.”

    That was OK, but because you dis­agree with every­one else’s opin­ions, it makes those peo­ple defen­sive and not Dan?

  • Nathan says:

    As a per­son who works in the field, I do believe that pol­i­tics plays a vital role in art. It is a strong and reli­able inspi­ra­tion mech­a­nism for cre­ativ­i­ty and plays a key role in culture(s). Hav­ing said that, Fairey’s lat­est con­tri­bu­tion is a copy of a copy of his own work. This blog is always inter­est­ing, can be provoca­tive and with that per­spec­tive it’s hard to believe the pre­dictable out­rage of youth­ful left­ists is new or even remark­able. I don’t see inspi­ra­tion in the oppo­si­tion to a Repub­li­can admin­is­tra­tion, I see enti­tle­ment and this sen­ti­ment is remark­able and new. IMHO.

  • Bill W. says:

    ‘Islam’ and ‘Fem­i­nism’ don’t belong in the same sen­tence. Even the ‘Mod­er­ate’ Mus­lims make the staunchest Chris­tians look like bra­less Wom­en’s Rights sup­port­ers. Try being a woman and dri­ving, unac­com­pa­nied (by a man)in pub­lic, going out to vote, and all with­out wear­ing a hijab or burka…and see what hap­pens if you think I’m wrong. Can’t believe Pro­gres­sives want that sort-of-thing (Sharia Law) for women here in Amer­i­ca!

  • Mike says:

    Way to sup­port those vio­lent pro­test­ers!

  • Jody says:

    You Maxwell, are an ugly per­son.

  • Jody says:

    There WAS NO VIOLENCE! You are watch­ing fake news.

  • Jody says:

    Love Shep­ard’s work and still have the one he did of Obama!Thank you Shep­ard!

  • Melissa says:

    Thank you for sup­port­ing equal rights for all :) The march was great and peace­ful, and the sense of com­mu­ni­ty and com­ing togeth­er was pow­er­ful.

  • Barbara says:

    Yes, Melis­sa, yes! It’s not about women being bet­ter or smarter than men. It is about women unit­ed feel­ing their pow­er thru peace­ful protest to make changes that improve cir­cum­stances for all of human­i­ty! Women pray­ing and full of hope, count­ing on POTUS to be successful.…so that life gets bet­ter for us all! Choos­ing human­i­ty over racism and pol­i­tics! What’s to dis­like about that?

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    @Barbara Well said, I just hope that the same women who can march in the thou­sands will not con­tin­ue to be silent about islam’s treat­ment of women. If they are, then the whole con­ceit is with­out mer­it!

  • Michele says:

    Such igno­rance. It was peace­ful uni­ty. Women care about them­selves and every oth­er woman on the plan­et. Women that care about them­selves and oth­er women DOES NOT MAKE THEM FEMINISTS it makes them HUMANITARIANS. I marched for the women in your lives too! His­toric and epic event!

  • Lou says:

    Curi­ous. Dove­tail? Did you read the HBR recent­ly. The idea and the exis­tence of the mid­dle is way gone. But the fact that you think you’re in it may be some­thing to exam­ine.

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