215 Hours of Free Foreign Language Lessons on Spotify: French, Chinese, German, Russian & More


In Sep­tem­ber, we high­light­ed for you 75 free audio books avail­able on Spo­ti­fy–books writ­ten by the likes of Jane Austen, James Joyce, Charles Bukows­ki, Franz Kaf­ka, Kurt Von­negut, Edgar Allan Poe, Jack Ker­ouac, Sylvia Plath, William Shake­speare & more. Peruse the com­plete list here.

This month, we’re here to tell you that Spo­ti­fy makes free lan­guage lessons avail­able on its ser­vice. If you go to Spo­ti­fy (down­load its soft­ware here), click “Browse” (in the left hand nav), then scroll way down and click “Word,” you will find col­lec­tions of free lan­guages in the fol­low­ing lan­guages. You can also click the links below to access 215 hours of free lan­guage lessons:

You can find many more lessons, cov­er­ing many more lan­guages, in our col­lec­tion: Learn 45+ Lan­guages Online for Free: Span­ish, Chi­nese, Eng­lish & More. Our list cov­ers every­thing from Ancient Greek and Dutch, to Thai and Yid­dish.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hear 75 Free, Clas­sic Audio Books on Spo­ti­fy: Austen, Joyce, Bukows­ki, Kaf­ka, Von­negut, Poe, Shake­speare, Ker­ouac & More

Free Span­ish Lessons

Free French Lessons

Free Ital­ian Lessons

Free Ara­bic Lessons

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.