Image by Fred PalumÂbo, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
Here’s an audio colÂlecÂtion worth sharÂing with the cinephiles among you. Alfred HitchÂcock InterÂviews (embedÂded below) brings togethÂer 12 interÂviews recordÂed over sevÂerÂal decades, colÂlecÂtiveÂly runÂning five hours and four minÂutes. If you need SpoÂtiÂfy’s softÂware, downÂload it here. Then tune into Track 3 and hear HitchÂcock describe his three theÂoÂries of film editÂing. Track 10 lets you lisÂten to his 33-minute “MasÂters of CinÂeÂma” interÂview recordÂed in 1972. And Track 12 presents a 96-minute “MasÂter Class” on filmÂmakÂing. This audio colÂlecÂtion will be housed in our colÂlecÂtion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: DownÂload Great Books for Free.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
22 Free HitchÂcock Movies Online
His talk on “How to Pick-up the LeadÂing-Ladies” was his best talk of all…didn’t see it on the above list for some reaÂson…
Hey Dan, you are doing a great job! HowÂevÂer, it makes me enviÂous to come across this web page because only SpoÂtiÂfy users can have access to this treaÂsure. Please make it posÂsiÂble for me in India to cherÂish it as well.