The Last Bookstore: A Short Documentary on Perseverance & the Love of Books

It takes some guts to open an inde­pen­dent, bricks-and-mor­tar book­store these days. But that’s what Josh Spencer did. He’s the pro­pri­etor of “The Last Book­store,” the play­ful­ly-named shop locat­ed in down­town Los Ange­les.

The short doc­u­men­tary above takes you into Josh’s world. And it tells the sto­ry of per­se­ver­ance. Straight­away, you dis­cov­er that Josh is a para­plegic. He sur­vived a ter­ri­ble acci­dent, bat­tled depres­sion, and spent time liv­ing on wel­fare and food stamps. Then, he per­se­vered. The Last Book­store flour­ish­es while so many indie book­stores floun­der. If you’re in LA, pay The Last Book­store a vis­it. Find their loca­tion here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

A Secret Book­store in a New York City Apart­ment: The Last of a Dying Breed

What Are the Most Stolen Books? Book­store Lists Fea­ture Works by Muraka­mi, Bukows­ki, Bur­roughs, Von­negut, Ker­ouac & Palah­niuk

Test Your Lit­er­ary Met­tle: Take a 50 Ques­tion Quiz from The Strand Book­store

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.