A new comÂeÂdy video from Cracked makes a fair point: there’s a lot of bullÂshit that goes into the marÂketÂing of cofÂfee nowaÂdays. Slap the words “organÂic” and “fair trade” on the prodÂuct, and everyÂone feels pretÂty good about keepÂing their cafÂfeine addicÂtions going. SevÂerÂal years ago, SlovenÂian theÂoÂrist Slavoj Ĺ˝iĹľek took a closÂer look at this pheÂnomÂeÂnon and drew some interÂestÂing conÂcluÂsions about how, withÂin conÂtemÂpoÂrary capÂiÂtalÂism, comÂpaÂnies like StarÂbucks have reworked Max Weber’s ProtesÂtant EthÂic, and found new ways to square our ecoÂnomÂic and spirÂiÂtuÂal lives. StarÂbucks has made it, Ĺ˝iĹľek notes, so that when we enter their stores, we’re not just buyÂing cofÂfee and being conÂsumers. Rather, we’re buyÂing fair trade and eco-friendÂly cofÂfee, parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in charÂiÂtaÂble work, and leavÂing with a sense of redempÂtion. The aniÂmatÂed video is worth a look.
And lest you think marÂketÂing cofÂfee has always been a sunÂny affair, let me turn your attenÂtion to this post in our archive: Men In ComÂmerÂcials Being Jerks About CofÂfee: A Mashup of 1950s & 1960s TV Ads.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
PhilosoÂphers DrinkÂing CofÂfee: The ExcesÂsive Habits of Kant, Voltaire & Kierkegaard
Good CapÂiÂtalÂist KarÂma: Zizek AniÂmatÂed
With so many peoÂple telling you about all the hazÂards, you can’t eat or drink anyÂthing. You can’t say anyÂthing, go anyÂwhere, do anyÂthing, visÂit anyÂone. BUT, you will live a long life———of absolute misÂery! Well, I guess I’ll drink a cup of cofÂfee to that.