Free: Learn Foreign Languages in Your Car


Have a bor­ing com­mute? A long road trip com­ing up? Con­sid­er using that time well and learn­ing a lan­guage as you dri­ve. While rum­mag­ing around on Spo­ti­fy (down­load their free soft­ware here), we noticed that they give you free access to the mul­ti-part col­lec­tions: Learn Span­ish in Your Car, Learn French in Your Car, Learn Man­darin in Your Car, Learn Ital­ian in Your Car, Learn Russ­ian in Your Car, and Learn Ger­man in Your Car.

Run­ning 10–14 hours, the col­lec­tions (usu­al­ly retail­ing for $22.95 on Ama­zon) build in dif­fi­cul­ty, mov­ing from “Lev­el 1” to “Lev­el 2” to “Lev­el 3.” We’ve embed­ded the playlists below, and you can always find them list­ed in our col­lec­tion, Learn 45+ Lan­guages Online for Free: Span­ish, Chi­nese, Eng­lish & More.







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  • Larry Becker says:

    I don’t have a mobile device (e.g., smart­phone) that will enable me to stream the lessons while dri­ving. I do have an mp3 play­er that will play through my car’s sound sys­tem. I know I can stream the lessons from Spo­ti­fy and cap­ture the audio on my lap­top in real time and pro­duce mp3 files, but is there a way to down­load the files instead? It would be much eas­i­er and quick­er to go at it this way. Thanks for any help you Open Cul­ture fans can pro­vide.

  • Andre Kibbe says:

    Spo­ti­fy also has sum­ma­ry playlists such as “Learn Span­ish” and “Learn French,” each com­prised of sev­er­al cours­es by dif­fer­ent pub­lish­ers. It’s worth spend­ing an evening sam­pling each pub­lish­er’s pro­gram.

  • Andre Kibbe says:

    For MP3 cours­es, see

    As an admit­ted­ly Apple-cen­tric alter­na­tive, the Spo­ti­fy (pre­mi­um) mobile app has an “Avail­able Offline” tog­gle, which would let you use an iPod Touch. The same hard­ware would work with an Apple Music sub­scrip­tion: you can down­load lan­guage albums (like the Learn in Your Car series fea­tured here) for offline use.

  • Larry Becker says:

    Being one of the three indi­vid­u­als in the world who still does not have a mobile device (Apple or oth­er­wise) leaves me at a cer­tain dis­ad­van­tage. After post­ing my ini­tial com­ment, I did some more research into the mat­ter of down­load­ing files from Spo­ti­fy (rather than get­ting the mate­r­i­al by means of the tedious process of record­ing the lessons as they played). I’m now pret­ty sure it can’t be done. Con­se­quent­ly, I appre­ci­ate your sug­ges­tion and link to the MP3 cours­es, and I intend to pur­sue it. Thanks.

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