This Is What It Sounds Like When 1999 People Sing Prince’s “When Doves Cry”

Ear­li­er this month, 1999 mem­bers of Choir!Choir!Choir!–a group that meets week­ly and sings their hearts out–showed up at Toron­to’s Massey Hall and paid trib­ute to Prince. In a mat­ter of hours, writes Toron­to Life, “choir lead­ers Nobu Adil­man and Dav­eed Gold­man led the crowd through a three-part arrange­ment of Prince’s “When Doves Cry.” And the result is touch­ing. All pro­ceeds went to the Regent Park School of Music and the Share The Music pro­gramme.  You can see the group’s ear­li­er trib­utes to David Bowie here, and many oth­er per­for­mances on their YouTube chan­nel.

via @sheerly

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.