Who the F*@% is Frank Zappa?: Kickstart the Making of the Definitive Frank Zappa Documentary

You may know Alex Win­ter best for his role as Bill S. Pre­ston, Esq. in the 1989 film Bill & Ted’s Excel­lent Adven­ture. But nowa­days, many years lat­er, he’s mak­ing films. And if we can help out, he’ll soon be mak­ing the defin­i­tive doc­u­men­tary of Frank Zap­pa’s life.

On Kick­starter this week, Win­ter announced:

Frank Zap­pa is one of the strangest, most amaz­ing and influ­en­tial fig­ures of our era, but his defin­i­tive sto­ry has nev­er been told.

Now, for the first time, the Zap­pas have giv­en us com­plete, unre­strict­ed access to the con­tents of Frank’s pri­vate vault, and their full bless­ing and sup­port, to tell his sto­ry.

But before we can fin­ish telling his sto­ry, we have to cat­a­log, save, dig­i­tize, and pre­serve a vast archive of unre­leased audio, video, images, doc­u­ments and more.

Togeth­er we can save Frank’s vault.

And when we do, we’ll have every­thing we need to answer the ques­tion:

Who the F*@% is Frank Zap­pa?

Just a few days into the Kick­starter cam­paign, Win­ter has already raised rough­ly half ($231,000) of the total amount ($500,000) need­ed to move for­ward with the project.

Through con­tri­bu­tions large or small, you can help with the oth­er half, and make sure that the defin­i­tive Zap­pa doc­u­men­tary sees the light of day. Con­tribute here.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Stream 82 Hours of Frank Zap­pa Music: Free Playlists of Songs He Com­posed & Per­formed

Frank Zap­pa Debates Cen­sor­ship on CNN’s Cross­fire (1986)

A Young Frank Zap­pa Turns the Bicy­cle into a Musi­cal Instru­ment on The Steve Allen Show (1963)

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