How to Make a Book From Scratch

In a new video series from “How To Make Every­thing” — a Youtube chan­nel ded­i­cat­ed to find­ing out how to break down com­plex pro­duc­tion process­es and make things from scratch — you can watch Andy George cre­ate a book using very tra­di­tion­al tech­niques. And when I say tra­di­tion­al, I mean tra­di­tion­al. He cre­ates papyrus, parch­ment, ink and leather book cov­ers by hand. And be warned, some parts may make you a bit squea­mish. “The How to Make a Book” series is divid­ed into eight sep­a­rate videos. If you click play above, you can watch them all from start to fin­ish.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.