The Late Show with Stephen ColÂbert won’t hit the airÂwaves until SepÂtemÂber 8th, but ColÂbert is already getÂting his Late Show Youtube chanÂnel up and runÂning. That’s where you will find this video breakÂing down NASA’s amazÂing flyÂby of PluÂto last week, a jourÂney that involved the New HoriÂzons spaceÂcraft travÂelÂing a stagÂgerÂing 3 bilÂlion miles. (See phoÂtos here.) JoinÂing ColÂbert is Neil deGrasse Tyson, who needs no introÂducÂtion around here. Enjoy the banÂter, and don’t forÂget that you can downÂload Tyson’s short course, The InexÂplicÂaÂble UniÂverse. It’s free from The Great CoursÂes for a limÂitÂed time.
If the conÂcept of ColÂbert interÂviewÂing Tyson intrigues you, don’t miss this lengthy interÂview origÂiÂnalÂly postÂed on OC in 2011.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Stephen ColÂbert Reads Ray BradÂbury ClasÂsic Sci-Fi StoÂry “The Veldt”
Neil deGrasse Tyson Lists 8 (Free) Books Every IntelÂliÂgent PerÂson Should Read
Neil deGrasse Tyson DelivÂers the GreatÂest SciÂence SerÂmon Ever
Free Online AstronÂoÂmy CoursÂes
At 12 minÂutes Mr. Tyson said he’d rather call Earth a dwarf planÂet (and all the rocky spheres like Mars, etc.) and give the gas giants the sole disÂtincÂtion of “planÂet”. The interÂview was pretÂty funÂny. I wish he would disÂcuss theÂoÂries not comÂmon knowlÂedge such as most or all of our planÂets did not origÂiÂnate with our sun. Rather they have been interÂceptÂed. The most interÂestÂing theÂoÂry to me is the SatÂurn TheÂoÂry. This one elabÂoÂrates from human mytholÂoÂgy that Earth was a satelÂlite of proÂto-SatÂurn, a sub-brown dwarf star a memÂber of a dwarf galaxy crossÂing into the Milky Way (sagÂiÂtarÂius dwarf galaxy) and Earth likeÂly 2/3 covÂered in ice as it arrived in the heliosÂphere of this bigÂger star “Sol”, our present sun only 6–8,000 years ago.…not milÂlions…