From National Geographic comes this: A short timelapse film that lets you watch “the eerily beautiful growth of larvae into bees.” Shot by photographer Anand Varma, the mesmerizing video starts with the larvae of worker bees just hatching from eggs, then follows their maturation into adult bees. The video covers an 11-day process in one short minute.
You can get a behind-the-scenes account of the making of this video over at Nat Geo. When you’re there, you might also want to check out these pretty amazing portraits of bees.
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I find it a bit curious that there would be almost a thousand shares yet no one these days has time to leave a comment; but being alone and disabled that is all I do have. Some people would take offense at what I am saying but that would be a mistake; I am very happy that you have a job or a family or both and a spare few minutes of time is hard to come by. I seriously wish that I could work and turn back time to where I was not a widow with an empty nest. Seemingly a Ramblin soul I actually am relating this to the bees! They work relentlessly sunup till sundown to raise more workers but most importantly pollinate so that we humans have food. And they do this daily until they have given their lives and died of exhaustion and old age. I can’t imagine life without bees and I don’t think there would be any… but more and more people I know are raising hives in their small backyards at times while the bee population dwindles. I appreciated seeing this tonight and I hope to many others it gave some insight into a world we often think very rarely about.
This is a beautiful clip.
I just think bees live their lives, not so much give their lives. They benefit us yes, immensely, but I don’t feel like it’s a bee drama ending in exhaustion & death! It ends, like everything.