What Ignited Richard Feynman’s Love of Science Revealed in an Animated Video

The Exper­i­menters, a three-episode series that ani­mates the words of sci­en­tif­ic inno­va­tors, con­cludes with the reflec­tions of Richard Feyn­man, the charis­mat­ic, Nobel-Prize win­ning physi­cist who did so much to make sci­ence engag­ing to a broad­er pub­lic. Feyn­man knew how to pop­u­lar­ize sci­ence — to make the process of sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­ery and explo­ration so con­ta­gious — because he learned from a good teacher: his father. You can learn more about that by watch­ing the ani­mat­ed video above. And don’t miss the pre­vi­ous two episodes in The Exper­i­menters series. They touched on the life and thought of Buck­min­ster Fuller and Jane Goodall.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Feyn­man Lec­tures on Physics, The Most Pop­u­lar Physics Book Ever Writ­ten, Now Com­plete­ly Online

‘The Char­ac­ter of Phys­i­cal Law’: Richard Feynman’s Leg­endary Course Pre­sent­ed at Cor­nell, 1964

Richard Feyn­man Presents Quan­tum Elec­tro­dy­nam­ics for the Non­Sci­en­tist

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