Johnny Cash Machines: Johnny Cash Stars in 1980s Commercials for ATM Machines

Back in the 1980s, Cana­da Trust installed a bunch of ATM machines and began con­vinc­ing cus­tomers that banker’s hours were a thing of the past. Now cus­tomers could get mon­ey 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And who bet­ter to tell cus­tomers how they could con­ve­nient­ly tap their cash than John­ny Cash. Enter the John­ny Cash Machine. Don’t believe me? Here are two 1985 com­mer­cials to prove it.

Get more on the sto­ry at Retrontario.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

John­ny Cash & Joe Strum­mer Sing Bob Marley’s “Redemp­tion Song” (2002)

John­ny Cash’s Short and Per­son­al To-Do List 

The 1969 Bob Dylan-John­ny Cash Ses­sions: 12 Rare Record­ings

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  • Mark says:

    I was return­ing from Toron­to in 1988 and saw a John­ny Cash ATM. I did­n’t crum­ble to my knees but I remem­ber well tee­ter­ing between laugh­ing and cry­ing. It was a trag­ic moment.

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