Yes, you can help save the world. And just by downÂloadÂing some free softÂware. Writes NASA:
ProÂtectÂing the Earth from the threat of asterÂoid impacts means first knowÂing where they are. NASA is harÂnessÂing the incredÂiÂble potenÂtial of innoÂvaÂtors, makÂers and citÂiÂzen sciÂenÂtists by openÂing up the search. In an increasÂingÂly conÂnectÂed world, NASA recÂogÂnizes the valÂue of the pubÂlic as a partÂner in addressÂing some of the country’s most pressÂing chalÂlenges. We need your help in idenÂtiÂfyÂing asterÂoids – and to help furÂther this effort, we’ve built an appliÂcaÂtion that enables everyÂone, everyÂwhere, to help solve this globÂal chalÂlenge.
To downÂload the app and join the hunt for asterÂoids, please click here. To get more inforÂmaÂtion on the project (in which HarÂvard is a strateÂgic parÂticÂiÂpant) click here.
Next up? HopeÂfulÂly an app that saves CalÂiÂforÂnia, which, a NASA offiÂcial projects, will run out of water by next year.
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