Auschwitz Captured in Haunting Drone Footage (and a New Short Film by Steven Spielberg & Meryl Streep)

Drones can give us an extra­or­di­nary view of cities still in their prime — cities like Los Ange­les, New York, Lon­don, Bangkok & Mex­i­co City. They can also give us a rare glimpse of places no longer inhab­it­ed, places qui­et­ed by the unspeak­able. We’ve shown you a drone’s-eye view of Cher­nobyl. This week, it’s Auschwitz. Shot by the BBC, this sober­ing footage car­ries us over the mas­sive Nazi con­cen­tra­tion, built in South­ern Poland, where 1.1 mil­lion peo­ple died dur­ing World War II, most of them (90%) Euro­pean Jews. Many died in the gas cham­bers. Oth­ers of star­va­tion, forced labor, infec­tious dis­eases, and sadis­tic med­ical exper­i­ments.

On this web­site, you can also watch a new­ly-released short doc­u­men­tary on Auschwitz. Pro­duced by Steven Spiel­berg and nar­rat­ed by Meryl Streep, it pre­miered last week before 300 Holo­caust sur­vivors in Auschwitz, help­ing to com­mem­o­rate the 70th anniver­sary of the lib­er­a­tion of the camp.

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Relat­ed Con­tent

How Alice Herz-Som­mer, the Old­est Holo­caust Sur­vivor, Sur­vived the Hor­rif­ic Ordeal with Music

Mem­o­ry of the Camps (1985): The Holo­caust Doc­u­men­tary that Trau­ma­tized Alfred Hitch­cock, and Remained Unseen for 40 Years

The Touch­ing Moment When Nicholas Win­ton Met the Chil­dren He Saved Dur­ing the Holo­caust

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  • Summer says:

    It’s great that Steven Spiel­berg and Meryl Streep worked togeth­er. Would like to see them work­ing in a movie as well.

  • A.J. Mell says:

    Leave it to Steven Spiel­berg to end a film about Auschwitz with a grin­ning affir­ma­tion of the human spir­it.

  • Horst Wessel says:

    More of the typ­i­cal, per­pet­u­al Hebrew flavoured muck!

  • Agapito says:

    Can’t say any­thing good or bad would not up load to watch so the hell with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes and the first one was noth­ing but music and the same pic­tures over and over and over and over until some peo­ple were walk­ing then the same music and pic­tures over and over and over and over.

  • Agapito says:

    It final­ly up loaded and it was very sad and touch­ing. It shows that although faced with ter­ri­ble ordeals and odds of sur­viv­ing such a ter­ri­ble thing the human spir­it is amaz­ing. I can not even begin to imag­ine the will it took for those who had to do all the degrad­ing jobs assigned to them by those crazy nazi bas­tards hench­men. God bless the sur­vivors and may you have peace.

  • Lynn says:

    How very very mov­ing.
    I’m so glad that I saw this today.
    Steven, you man­aged to cre­ate a stir­ring and vivid­ly fresh and need­ful reminder of the hatred out there for the Jew­ish peo­ple.
    Though the attempt to remove them from the world scene and from their Land con­tin­ues day to day, their ene­my will not suc­ceed.
    It is writ­ten ‘He that keep­eth Israel, nev­er slum­bers nor sleeps.’
    And that’s why.

  • John Fitzgerald says:

    Lynn, you have been brain­washed into believ­ing this mon­u­men­tal LIE called the holo­caust. Research the wealth of infor­ma­tion prov­ing that what Spiel­berg, Streep and com­pa­ny are doing is an absolute farce to con­di­tion the pub­lic into believ­ing a deceit­ful nar­ra­tive sup­press­ing the truth for over sev­en­ty years. Please look at the irrefutable truth that they do not want you and the vast num­ber of soci­ety to research on your own. They spoon­feed you this garbage and you and many oth­er gullible and igno­rant peo­ple run with it as if it is truth and/or based on ver­i­fi­able evi­dence. IT IS NOT! Ask your­self, why do eigh­teen coun­tries have laws against ques­tion­ing any aspect of the holo­caust? Inter­est­ing, huh? Why would ANY issue have laws made up to stop any fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion or debate regard­ing it? Should alleged “truth” not be allowed to stand on its own mer­its by His­to­ri­ans, sci­en­tists, pro­fes­sors, lay peo­ple or oth­er­wise with­out the fear of impris­on­ment or fine? Do your civic duty and do not be fooled any longer. After all, good, hon­est pas­sivists of courage and integri­ty are being per­se­cut­ed for noth­ing more than vet­ting the infor­ma­tion we have been told ad nau­se­am to exact absolute and ver­i­fi­able truth through exhaus­tive research of their own. Inter­est­ing how up to 160,000,000 peo­ple died in the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry due to Lenin, Trot­sky, Stal­in, Mao, etc. but no one seems to learn much about this in our edu­ca­tion­al syste, Hol­ly­wood, media or oth­er­wise. The “Jew­ish” holo­caust has been made to be a reli­gion unto itself! Why is that? Because, as Voltaire said: “If you want to see who rules over you, sim­ply look at those you can­not crit­i­cize.” The Holo­caust is BIG busi­ness bilk­ing bil­lions of dol­lars a year through forced repa­ra­tions and through hol­caust muse­ums pop­ping up all over the world like “poi­so­nous” mush­rooms in spring! I hope you research this sub­ject with an open mind heart and with courage! I have, and I am a bet­ter per­son for it!

  • Laura says:

    I met a woman who SURVIVED it and made it to Amer­i­ca, so where did the tat­tooed num­bers on their arms come from Mr. know it all. HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST THIS DID NOT HAPPEN!! YOU ARE DELUSIONAL AND NEED MENTAL HELP NOW!!

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