Did the weathÂer have anyÂthing to do with those balls deflatÂing in New EngÂland durÂing the AFC chamÂpiÂonship game? It’s unlikeÂly, very unlikeÂly. Bill Nye explains why with sciÂence, but not withÂout putting the hyped conÂtroÂverÂsy into perÂspecÂtive first. Take it away Bill.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Physics of a Quarterback’s Pass
Bill Nye, The SciÂence Guy, Says CreÂationÂism is Bad for Kids and America’s Future
Maybe someÂone should take all the hot air out of Bill Nye.
ProÂfesÂsors of planÂeÂtary sciÂence at MIT; mechanÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing at Boston UniÂverÂsiÂty; physics at Boston ColÂlege; and applied mathÂeÂmatÂics, physics, and biolÂoÂgy at HarÂvard find Belichick’s explaÂnaÂtion plauÂsiÂble.
And “HeadSÂmart Labs, a PittsÂburgh research comÂpaÂny workÂing on preÂventÂing head injuries from sports, said that it conÂductÂed a study that found weathÂer and field conÂdiÂtions alone could have lowÂered the presÂsure by as much as 1.95 psi.”
So who are you going to trust, Nye, a longÂtime resÂiÂdent of SeatÂtle or HeadSÂmart Labs in PittsÂburgh?