Bill Nye the Science Guy Takes the Air Out of Deflategate

Did the weath­er have any­thing to do with those balls deflat­ing in New Eng­land dur­ing the AFC cham­pi­onship game? It’s unlike­ly, very unlike­ly. Bill Nye explains why with sci­ence, but not with­out putting the hyped con­tro­ver­sy into per­spec­tive first. Take it away Bill.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Physics of a Quarterback’s Pass

Bill Nye, The Sci­ence Guy, Says Cre­ation­ism is Bad for Kids and America’s Future

Watch the High­ly-Antic­i­pat­ed Evolution/Creationism Debate: Bill Nye the Sci­ence Guy v. Cre­ation­ist Ken Ham

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