Tonight, a St. Louis CounÂty grand jury decidÂed not to bring crimÂiÂnal charges against DarÂren WilÂson, the white police offiÂcer who shot to death Michael Brown, an unarmed African-AmerÂiÂcan teenagÂer, in FerÂguÂson, MisÂsouri this past sumÂmer. FolÂlowÂing the conÂtroÂverÂsial deciÂsion, St. Louis PubÂlic Radio startÂed to upload key docÂuÂments from the grand jury proÂceedÂings to its webÂsite. The docÂuÂments include grand jury tesÂtiÂmoÂny, forenÂsic eviÂdence, medÂical reports, and law enforceÂment interÂviews. View it all here and be sure to check back for updates.
I honÂestÂly believe that the UnitÂed States citÂiÂzens have become vioÂlent and pathetÂic. How are cops supÂposed to proÂtect amerÂiÂcan citÂiÂzens when you have ignoÂrant peoÂple startÂing vioÂlence because of a cop doing there job. We should be past the racial issues but these libÂerÂal citÂiÂzens runÂning the streets are makÂing the sitÂuÂaÂtion worse. Were i am from every race has the same opporÂtuÂniÂties as i do. Being a white perÂson i have notice that othÂer races are prejÂuÂdiced against me and come at me. I realÂize its there ignoÂrance and they need to realÂize that it doesÂn’t matÂter about race issues this is about a perÂson that was breakÂing the law and the last time I checked going towards a police offiÂcer is against the law. PeoÂple need to stop actÂing on violence.…look at the big picÂture and grow up. My supÂport is for the police offiÂcer that keeps my life safe.
Tami. What if it was your son? Your brothÂer? InnoÂcentÂly walkÂing in his neighÂborÂhood, and then scared for his life? Shot mulÂtiÂple times as he ran?
The punÂishÂment, the exeÂcuÂtion, of Michael Brown did not fit the crime he comÂmitÂted. Who was he endanÂgerÂing? No one. When WilÂson became a cop he swore to proÂtect and serve. Who does that apply to? HimÂself apparÂentÂly. He shot an unarmed 18 year old boy in the head as he surÂrenÂdured. And now he has pockÂetÂed $400,000 for a lawyer he won’t even need.
Michael VickÂ’s dog recieved more jusÂtice.
@ Tami
Of course your White, pale skin is proÂtectÂed by Law EnforceÂment, the Law and all of the above!!! Then you have the audacÂiÂty to spew lies of being racialÂly disÂcrimÂiÂnatÂed against. Did you file any comÂplaints to yours truÂly, the Police? Besides when have you been denied work due to your skin colÂor? As I imagÂined, nevÂer!! Quick stoÂry for you to digest! My proÂfile: 27 years in the Army; 4 years as a State CorÂrecÂtions; 20 years as a Deputy SherÂiff.. Retired, I applied for a job as a blood PhleÂbotomist and nevÂer received the job! Upon revisÂitÂing the site I met a WHITE female that recentÂly was employed at that site! The caveat to that is she had recentÂly been released from the FloriÂda DepartÂment of CorÂrecÂtions! There you have it Ms. I WAS DISCRIMINATED!!!
@Tami#calling these thugs libÂerÂal citÂiÂzens realky makes you look uneÂdÂuÂcatÂed and truÂly ignorant…your post is simÂply a rant with no facÂtuÂal basis…people like you are a big part of the problem.and last I CHECKED none of the crimes you state are punÂishÂable by death…I am a white libÂerÂal and I am just curiÂous where you got the inforÂmaÂtion that these are ” libÂerÂal citÂiÂzens” riotÂing and looting…say after me Tami..I am a prejÂuÂdiced bigÂot and I am makÂing up lies of racial disÂcrimÂiÂnaÂtion against me so i can post a blog and get lots and lots of attenÂtion”
And @fred..white skin guarÂanÂtees no proÂtecÂtion from the law…your stateÂments are just as racist as hers
This death is the curÂrent focus of comÂmuÂniÂty anger but the real issue is much bigÂger. IgnoÂrance is being in denial of this ugly fact: AmerÂiÂca imprisÂons more peoÂple than any othÂer counÂtry in the world (North Korea is the only real comÂpeÂtiÂtion). And those peoÂple are mostÂly most poor, young, black and male.
“Mass incarÂcerÂaÂtion on a scale almost unexÂamÂpled in human hisÂtoÂry is a funÂdaÂmenÂtal fact of our counÂtry today—perhaps the funÂdaÂmenÂtal fact, as slavÂery was the funÂdaÂmenÂtal fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the crimÂiÂnal-jusÂtice system—in prison, on proÂbaÂtion, or on parole—than were in slavÂery then. Over all, there are now more peoÂple under “corÂrecÂtionÂal superÂviÂsion” in America—more than six million—than were in the Gulag ArchÂiÂpelÂago under StalÂin at its height.”
Adam GopÂnik “The Caging of AmerÂiÂca”. New YorkÂer, JanÂuÂary 30, 2012.
Tami, have some decenÂcy and shut the fuck up.
@Tara the grand jury was not decidÂing guilty or not guilty “as charged” they were only to decide if any charges were to be filed. And as to your ” peaceÂful, non vioÂlent proÂtesÂtors, Browns stepÂfaÂther and sevÂerÂal othÂer peace makÂers incitÂed these riots…its right on tape for everyÂone to see…unless ” burn this mothÂer f@#%@# down” and ” kill the pigs” are peaceÂful proÂtesÂtor code words for ” increase the peace” if so, sorry…my bad
@One Voice — “What if it was your son? Your brothÂer? InnoÂcentÂly walkÂing in his neighÂborÂhood, and then scared for his life? Shot mulÂtiÂple times as he ran?”
InnoÂcentÂly walkÂing? Brown was proven to have robbed that liquor store. Maybe Wilson’s reacÂtions were a bit too much but let’s not preÂtend that Brown is some angel.
As for WilÂson shootÂing Brown in the head while he surÂrenÂdered, forenÂsics prove othÂerÂwise and that the shot to the head more likeÂly hapÂpened while Brown was chargÂing.
i’m mixed, Asian and CauÂcasian.
You know why I nevÂer have a probÂlem with the police (LAPD) it’s because I obey the law, do you know why they don’t harass me? I don’t involve myself in susÂpiÂcious behavÂior like loiÂterÂing, blastÂing music, or conÂductÂing myself in such a manÂner to garÂner attenÂtion or intimÂiÂdate peoÂple to show thatI’m a badass. I was out and about 80% of the time as well, skateÂboardÂing with groups of friends. ( black , white all race ) and we nevÂer had any probÂlems that we didÂn’t bring upon ourÂselves.
You don’t attack police offiÂcers, just like you don’t curse and be rude in front of your grandÂmothÂer.
It’s this dudes parÂents fault, they nevÂer taught this kid manÂners and he just thought he was badass and just turned out to be a moronÂic wannabe. He was stoned too, and probÂaÂbly couldÂn’t hanÂdle his shit and was overÂly paraÂnoid.
If he just lisÂtened to the cop, and got on the sideÂwalk, he’d be alive to mooch weed monÂey off his parents.but no. He had to show how much of a badass he is and not comÂply.
So why is he dead? Because he’s an idiot and obviÂousÂly had someÂthing to prove. Because he has shitÂty parÂents.
DarÂwins law in full effect