We’ve all got those friends or famÂiÂly memÂbers who conÂsidÂer “modÂern art” a form of torÂture. Next time they comÂplain about an exhiÂbiÂtion you bring them to, just tell them how relieved they should feel that they didÂn’t fight in the SpanÂish CivÂil War — not just for the obviÂous reaÂsons; they could have found themÂselves subÂject not just to actuÂal torÂture, but torÂture directÂly inspired by modÂernist aesÂthetÂic prinÂciÂples. “A SpanÂish art hisÂtoÂriÂan has found eviÂdence that sugÂgests some CivÂil War jail cells were built like 3‑D modÂern art paintÂings in order to torÂture prisÂonÂers,” reports BBC News. “The cells were built in 1938 for the repubÂliÂcan forces fightÂing GenÂerÂal FranÂco’s FasÂcist NationÂalÂist army, who evenÂtuÂalÂly won powÂer.” The findÂing comes from hisÂtoÂriÂan Jose Milicua, who disÂcovÂered refÂerÂences to these modÂern-art cells among court papers from “the 1939 triÂal of French anarÂchist Alphonse LauÂrenÂcic, a repubÂliÂcan, by a FranÂco-ist milÂiÂtary court.”
“DurÂing the triÂal,” the BBC artiÂcle conÂtinÂues, “LauÂrenÂcic revealed he was inspired by modÂern artists, such as surÂreÂalÂist SalÂvador Dali and Bauhaus artist WassÂiÂly KandinÂsky” to creÂate the six-foot-by-four-foot cells placed secretÂly in Barcelona (see a re-creÂation above), which feaÂtured “slopÂing beds at a 20-degree angle that were almost imposÂsiÂble to sleep on,” “irregÂuÂlarÂly shaped bricks on the floor that preÂventÂed prisÂonÂers from walkÂing backÂwards or forÂwards,” walls “covÂered in surÂreÂalÂist patÂterns designed to make prisÂonÂers disÂtressed and conÂfused,” and lightÂing effects “to make the artÂwork even more dizzyÂing.” EviÂdence also indiÂcates that, elseÂwhere in Spain, NationÂalÂist prisÂonÂers “were forced to watch SalÂvador Dali and Luis Bunuel’s film Un Chien Andalou,” espeÂcialÂly an endÂless loop of its “graphÂic sequence of an eyeÂball being cut open” (at the top of the post).
IronÂiÂcalÂly, those imprisÂoned in such cells would have wound up there in the name of their fasÂcist cause, which like the FranÂco-backÂing Nazi regime in GerÂmany, conÂsidÂered modÂernism “degenÂerÂaÂtive.” PreÂsumÂably, they didÂn’t leave their imprisÂonÂment with any more symÂpaÂthetÂic idea of modÂern art than the one they’d gone in with. “A subÂcurÂrent of shock and provoÂcaÂtion has always lurked withÂin avant-garde art, which delibÂerÂateÂly sets out to chalÂlenge bourÂgeois conÂvenÂtion and to elicÂit a strong response” writes the New York Times’ John RockÂwell. “My own expeÂriÂence has been that oppoÂnents of new art are much too quick to preÂsume provoÂcaÂtion, let alone provoÂcaÂtion intendÂed litÂerÂalÂly to torÂture. Still, there can be no doubt that outÂrage was and is a goal of some artists, even if they rarely pushed it to the logÂiÂcal extreme that LauÂrenÂcic took it.” You can learn more about this unusuÂalÂly artisÂtic form of warÂfare in this All Things ConÂsidÂered interÂview with art hisÂtoÂriÂan VicÂtoÂria ComÂbalia. (LisÂten below.) And do try to supÂpress those fanÂtasies of throwÂing your more PhilisÂtine acquainÂtances in there for an hour or two.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Restored VerÂsion of Un Chien Andalou: Luis Buñuel & SalÂvador DalĂ’s SurÂreÂal Film (1929)
How the CIA SecretÂly FundÂed Abstract ExpresÂsionÂism DurÂing the Cold War
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
No one expect the SpanÂish exhiÂbiÂtion?
¡Que viva FranÂco!
C. S. Lewis uses this in his novÂel “That Hideous Strength.” It’s called “The ObjecÂtive Room”
And that’s why you hang the anarÂchists BEFORE the revÂoÂluÂtion, folks.
The anarÂchist response:
“I have absoluteÂly no probÂlem with torÂturÂing fasÂcists…
I don’t know if “avant-garde” torÂture is actuÂalÂly effecÂtive, but if it is, I say go for it. RevÂoÂluÂtionÂary leftÂism is about class polÂiÂtics, not fuckÂing libÂerÂal ideÂalÂism. We don’t need to be “conÂstant” in our “prinÂciÂples”. TorÂture is wrong when the bourÂgeoisie does it. TorÂture in defense of workÂer revÂoÂluÂtion, howÂevÂer, is perÂfectÂly acceptÂable.”
Yup. Time to hang them.
Also relÂeÂvant: http://www.counterpunch.org/2003/12/06/salvador-dali-fascist/