Stephen Hawking Starts Posting on Facebook: Join His Quest to Explain What Makes the Universe Exist

hawking on fb

I have no idea whether there’s intel­li­gent life out there in the uni­verse. But we can at least con­firm that there’s a lit­tle intel­li­gent life on Face­book, see­ing that Stephen Hawk­ing, the world’s best known the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist, began post­ing there yes­ter­day. His first sta­tus update reads:

I have always won­dered what makes the uni­verse exist. Time and space may for­ev­er be a mys­tery, but that has not stopped my pur­suit. Our con­nec­tions to one anoth­er have grown infi­nite­ly and now that I have the chance, I’m eager to share this jour­ney with you. Be curi­ous, I know I will for­ev­er be.

Wel­come, and thank you for vis­it­ing my Face­book Page. ‑SH

Join his offi­cial Face­book page here. And find/like the offi­cial Open Cul­ture page here, where we make it easy to share our dai­ly cul­tur­al posts with your fam­i­ly and friends.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawk­ing & Arthur C. Clarke Dis­cuss God, the Uni­verse, and Every­thing Else

A Brief His­to­ry of Time: Errol Morris’s Film of Stephen Hawk­ing

Stephen Hawking’s Uni­verse: A Visu­al­iza­tion in Stars and Sound

Free Online Physics Cours­es

Free Online Astron­o­my Cours­es

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Comments (29)
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  • jim calocci says:

    Stephen Hawk­ing ,
    Be curi­ous
    I know I will for­ev­er be

    a ques­tion , if I may
    would you explain, I will for­ev­er
    be ,


  • ana says:

    Hap­py to know I May be able to share mr. Hawk­ing Knowl­edge andar insight

  • A.l. says:

    Look­ing foward to mr. Hawk­ing’s com­ments.….

  • Kate Windham says:

    Stephan Hawkins is cool. I would like to see these pro­grams. Physics is cool also. I am 75, but nev­er tire of learn­ing and hear­ing the­o­rys.

  • Kate Windham says:

    I would like to see and read these top­ics.

  • John Flagg says:

    One ques­tion for Mr. Hawk­ing: what does he think of the idea that the uni­verse is a com­put­er sim­u­la­tion?

  • Chris Mensky says:

    Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the uni­verse. Please keep me in mind.

  • Miromification says:

    Music… every­where is music…All my life , i have this feel­ing inside… some­thing wrong with us… with human.… now i know :) the fear is wrong… that shit goes round and round… hijacked our minds and con­trolled our thoughts ;) its a mys­tic mir­a­cle music… the music opens your mind to under­stand the Uni­verse and Life… check ot my chan­nel for more input :) Peace

  • Russell Cushing says:

    Mr. Hawk­ing, I am very much into physics, I am 43 years old and have a 4yr old son, what would be the best way to get him inter­est­ed in the a) the solar sys­tem b) the galaxy, c) the uni­verse, d)????.

  • emmanuel says:

    How does the world Func­tion in put with the uni­verse

  • Justin Langwald says:

    Dear Mr. Hawk­ing,

    In my opin­ion, The ques­tion you ask has many many parts to it, none of which can be known with our cur­rent lev­el of knowl­edge even on a com­bined basis. Before you jump to the very last ques­tions I think a bet­ter approach might be to under­stand how the uni­verse as we know it 1.) exists as part of a greater whole, such as a sin­gle cell which exists in a mul­ti­celled organ­ism, and 2.) the function(s) that this sin­gu­lar uni­verse May pos­si­ble serve . … If there is any­thing I have learned about what I believe ‚but can­not yet ‚or ever pos­si­bly prove ‚it is that any­thing and every­thing is most like­ly pos­si­ble ‚and it exists for the pur­pose that it can lead to many more oth­er pos­si­ble exis­tences , and for human under­stand­ing we are con­stant­ly redefin­ing this “exis­tence” only rel­a­tive to our own util­i­ty. Text me back any­time

  • amit sharon b s says:

    sir , split­ting of 1 mol­e­cule into dif­fer­ent forms and due to some kind of hits and cracks make this ..

  • narayan gangurday says:

    we have a many prob­lem either than uni­verse such as poverty,unequality and destruc­tion on earth by human sil­ly­ness and we wastage our mon­ey to search­ing the oth­er plan­et.

  • simon salcedo the great says:

    yo, why does exis­tence exist

  • Linda Linebaugh says:

    always ready to learn some­thing new,bring it on.


    Dear Mr. Hawkins,

    It is very inspir­ing for us to see you remain­ing so active in your sci­en­tif­ic pur­suits in spite of your phys­i­cal prob­lem. As a firm Believ­er, I pray to God with all my heart to cure you of this seri­ous dis­ease. I am san­guine that your remain­ing healthy and fit will ben­e­fit human­i­ty as whole which is head­ing toward the dan­ger of extinc­tion due to var­i­ous fac­tors. Per­son­al­ly, I would like to know your opin­ion about God whether you believe in Him and Is He the Cause for every­thing hap­pen­ing in the uni­verse? Kind­ly find some moments to post your brief answers.

    Wish­ing you well always,

    Rajen­dra Gup­ta, Mum­bai, India.

  • kurosh says:

    Dear Sir
    I am very hap­py to be live at the same time in which YOU live .In the mid­del east mil­lions of peaple can not breath freely and securly because of rad­i­cal fol­lowes of god.Please moti­vate same oth­er sci­en­tists to discuss،speak، write and pub­lish more open­ly and brave­ly az YOU.
    Thank You very much ŘŚ because YOU opened our closed eyes.

  • rakesh shelar says:

    Is that new­tons 3 low is car­r­tect becos
    In eart due to grav­i­ta­tion force where as action there is an reac­tion
    But in vac­u­um where action There not reac­tion
    In vac­cum action can form one ele­ment but reac­tion two or more ele­ment requires

  • rakesh shelar says:

    New­tons not explain no . Ele­ment required for reac­tion and action in his 3 low of motion

  • Khin Thida says:

    Dear SH,

    I am a chil­dren edu­ca­tion­al books writer and pub­lish­er from Myan­mar.

    This web­site will be a great help to me.

    As some­one from a dif­fer­ent cul­ture…

    We (Bud­dhist peo­ple) do not believe in God but hap­py with believ­ing that we are always with our deeds, and we med­i­tate when we want to get out of time and place.

    How­ev­er your sci­en­tif­ic chal­lenge to know­ing about the uni­verse gives us huge courage to learn ( I am not a sci­en­tist).

    So grate­ful to be in touch with you.

    With much thanks and respects,

  • luckey kumar says:

    why at the time of the for­ma­tion of the first tiny par­ti­cle of mat­ter, called quarks or when the time when unimag­in­able amount of ener­gy released have there is any force work on this.….….….

  • will hasson says:

    The great pyra­mid of giza to me has 2 actions with­in its silent lan­guage . Prophet­ic and the way it was built. If u will note the math etc. Was a way,if u will par­don this expres­sion, of keep­ing their ducks in a row, as they altered cer­tain unseen laws to accom­plish their objec­tive. With all do respect sir, would­n’t that be the prop­er pro­to­col for all sci­en­tif­ic endeav­ors.

  • K.shirish says:

    Mr hawk­ing i read your arti­cle on black holes recent­ly in which you wrote about fire­wall para­dox your idea of appar­ent hori­zons seems won­der­full

  • N.RAJARAJAN says:

    Mr.hawking,one galaxy born from anather one moth­er galaxy i think much biger,much langer light­ing years ‚that away from all the galaxys .like yeast cell production.this all my ima­gena­tions.

  • Ramesh Chandra says:

    Sir I con­sid­er you as the incar­na­tion of Indi­an saint of Hin­du Mythol­o­gy named as Astavakra Ji Maharaj.He has the great­est knowl­edge of for­ma­tion of universe.As we know that ini­tial­ly the uni­verse was a point com­posed of ener­gy only.Let this ener­gy be called cos­mic energy.From this cos­mic ener­gy with the lapse of time anti mat­ter came out leav­ing behind the matter.slowly and slow­ly mat­ter came in con­tact with anti mat­ter and thus com­plete anni­hi­la­tion took place.This com­plete anni­hi­la­tion gave result called The Big Bang.Sir do you agree or not , please do con­vey the oth­er prin­ci­ple.

  • Ramesh Chandra says:

    Sir you are my hope of my puz­zle which always haunt­ing my are only my solution.As we know that ener­gy is that very thing which has no mass and occu­pies no space.Let us con­sid­er a point in the space which has whole ener­gy before Big Bang Explosion.Does it so please give your opin­ion.

    How a per­son goes to sleep? To my mind when self­less­ness pre­vails on the brain the man goes to sleep and dream cre­ates a feel­ing of sad­ness or hap­pi­ness which awak­ens the man.What is your opin­ion about it.

    To my mind eye acts as a cam­era which reg­is­ters the activ­i­ty which are guid­ed by cere­brum and cere­bel­lum and kept record­ed in hypothalamus.As we know that cere­brum and cere­bel­lum are active dur­ing day and hypo­thal­a­mus is active in night.This means that dream is guid­ed by hypothalamus.What is your opin­ion about it.

    Sir I want to know how dream is relat­ed with the for­ma­tion of uni­verse because I con­sid­er dream as a anti­mat­ter.

  • Neil Dias says:

    Best wish­es to in your quest for life in out­er space.

  • Marcia Stewart says:

    With my amy­otroph­ic lat­er­al scle­ro­sis (ALS), the first thing that hap­pened almost 2 years ago now, was speak­ing as if I were drunk. I was­n’t. I ini­tial­ly did improve speech (artic­u­lat­ing clear­ly but slow) but now I can no longer speak in an accept­able way. Then, a year lat­er eat­ing became prob­lem­at­ic, I was bit­ing my tongue and lips, and chew­ing became weak and less con­trolled. Soon after that some fin­gers start­ed to fail me and things would drop out of my hands. Some­where at that time bul­bar ALS was diag­nosed. The Rilutek (rilu­zole) did very lit­tle to help me. The med­ical team did even less. My decline was rapid and dev­as­tat­ing.. We tried every shot avail­able but noth­ing was work­ing. There has been lit­tle if any progress in find­ing a reli­able treat­ment, Our care provider intro­duced us to Kycuyu Health Clin­ic ALS/MND herbal treat­ment. The treat­ment is a miracle.i recov­ered sig­nif­i­cant­ly!

  • Julie Hilditch says:

    In Decem­ber my health took a turn for the worse I became very weak fast and could not even eat When I say fast I mean going from eat­ing a full plate of food to three days lat­er not being able to drink a a sip of water I went to VA hos­pi­tal emer­gency room for dehy­dra­tion and fig­ure they sched­ule me for a feel­ing tube place­ment They admit­ted me and two weeks lat­er I woke up to my stand­ing over me in the hos­pi­tal room this occurred dur­ing my sec­ond or third drug hol­i­day from Rad­i­ca­va Again no way to know if what I expe­ri­enced was a side effect When I was dis­charged I was com­plete­ly par­a­lyzed So i start­ed on Ayurvedic treat­ment from Nat­ur­al Herbs Cen­tre as time went on move­ment returned to my legs and to my arms and hands Able to hold my head up and strength has returned I give cred­it to God and NHC for my recov­ery Almost for­got to men­tion I was on 24 hours ven­ti­la­tion Now only use vent at night and dur­ing naps Was diag­nosed in 2021 with ALS, I urge you to seek out nat­u­ral­herb­s­cen­tre. com. We’re a lit­tle scared to tell every­one because some peo­ple might not believe us, since there’s no cure for ALS. But when I saw this post, I decid­ed to share our sto­ry. This treat­ment is a break­through!

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