Experience James Joyce’s Ulysses in Virtual Reality, Using the Oculus Rift Headset

If, like Vir­ginia Woolf, you could nev­er read James Joyce’s Ulysses from start to fin­ish, then here’s anoth­er way to expe­ri­ence the mod­ernist clas­sic. Vir­tu­al­ly rather than tex­tu­al­ly. Accord­ing to The Cre­ator’s Project, “an Irish film­mak­er named Eoghan Kid­ney is design­ing a vir­tu­al real­i­ty video game that uses an Ocu­lus Rift head­set to put the play­er in the shoes of Stephen Dedalus as he mean­ders through Dublin on June 16th, 1904.”  On his Fun­dit page and in the video above, Mr. Kid­ney (not to be con­fused with Leopold Bloom’s burnt kid­ney break­fast) gives us an exam­ple of how the “In Ulysses” project will work:

My “In Ulysses” project is anoth­er way of expe­ri­enc­ing the book — this time, using the vir­tu­al for­mat. It will be a vir­tu­al real­i­ty videogame that will allow a user to inhab­it the char­ac­ters of Ulysses and expe­ri­ence the den­si­ty of Joyce’s lan­guage in a fun and acces­si­ble way.…

As a user of “In Ulysses” walks along a vir­tu­al Sandy­mount Strand, the book will be read to them — they will hear Stephen’s thoughts as they are writ­ten — but these thoughts will then be illus­trat­ed around the user in real-time using tex­tu­al anno­ta­tions, images and links. A user can stop walk­ing (there­fore stop­ping Stephen walk­ing) and explore these illus­tra­tions, gain­ing insight into the book and adding to the enjoy­ment of it.

“In Ulysses” has already raised €4000, enough to fund its pro­to­type. No tar­get date for its release has been announced. And, from what I can tell, the con­sumer ver­sion of the Ocu­lus Rift won’t be released until next year. So, like any good read­er of Ulysses, you’ll need to have a lit­tle patience.

H/T Eric O.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Find Ulysses in our col­lec­tions of Free eBooks and Free Audio Books

Vir­ginia Woolf Writes About Joyce’s Ulysses, “Nev­er Did Any Book So Bore Me,” and Quits at Page 200

Read Joyce’s Ulysses Line by Line, for the Next 22 Years, with Frank Delaney’s Pod­cast

Read Ulysses Seen, A Graph­ic Nov­el Adap­ta­tion of James Joyce’s Clas­sic

James Joyce Reads From Ulysses and Finnegans Wake In His Only Two Record­ings (1924/1929)

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