We’ve brought you TalkÂing Heads shows from New York’s CBGB in 1975, DortÂmund, GerÂmany in 1980, and Rome that same year. Now we’ve got one more valuÂable live find from that forÂmaÂtive, busy era for the David Byrne-led, Rhode Island School of Design-forged new-wave band: their NovemÂber 1978 perÂforÂmance in SyraÂcuse. The exact venue? PerÂhaps someÂwhere at SyraÂcuse UniÂverÂsiÂty, perÂhaps not, though a colÂlege perÂforÂmance space would make sense, givÂen how many instiÂtuÂtions of highÂer eduÂcaÂtion they played in 1978. The TalkÂing Heads ConÂcert HisÂtoÂry blog has a comÂplete list, and the total numÂber of shows in that year alone comes in, astonÂishÂingÂly, at over 130, a fair few of them at schools like NYU, Brown, Berklee, BerkeÂley, UCLA, and the UniÂverÂsiÂty of AriÂzona. “It was realÂly an eduÂcaÂtion for us,” the page quotes drumÂmer Chris Frantz as sayÂing of the 1978 tour. “I’m afraid we bit off more than we could chew. We thought that we could play every night, and we found that after four months we were feelÂing pretÂty uninÂspired.”
Yet this SyraÂcuse gig, which came ten months in, sounds pretÂty inspired to me. It looks it, too, at least from what I can disÂcern from the lo-fi footage. What the image lacks in crispÂness, though, it makes up for in techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal interÂest; it has the sigÂnaÂture look of the Sony PorÂtaÂpak, one of the very earÂly portable conÂsumer video recordÂing sysÂtems beloved of the 1970s’ video amaÂteurs and video artists alike. WhoÂevÂer manned the PorÂtaÂpak for these 92 minÂutes in SyraÂcuse capÂtured a valuÂable chapÂter in the TalkÂing Heads stoÂry, one the band spent workÂing as hard as posÂsiÂble — which, of course, meant playÂing as hard, and as often, as posÂsiÂble — and refinÂing their inimÂitable sound and senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty in conÂcert spaces that, while often low-proÂfile, nevÂerÂtheÂless proÂvidÂed them with excitÂed and appreÂciaÂtive audiÂences. ColÂlege stuÂdents and othÂerÂwise, came eager to hear someÂthing new — and givÂen that the 70s, that decade of slick disÂco and smooth rock, had almost come to a close, someÂthing a bit askew. The TalkÂing Heads, as we see them here, could gladÂly delivÂer.
Set list:
- The Big CounÂtry
- WarnÂing Sign
- The Book I Read
- Stay HunÂgry
- Artists Only
- The Girls Want to Be with the Girls
- The Good Thing
- Love Goes to BuildÂings on Fire
- ElecÂtricÂiÂty
- Found a Job
- Take Me to the RivÂer
- I’m Not in Love
- No ComÂpasÂsion
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch the TalkÂing Heads Play Live in DortÂmund, GerÂmany DurÂing Their HeyÂday (1980)
TalkÂing Heads Play CBGB, the New York Club that Shaped Their Sound (1975)
Live in Rome, 1980: The TalkÂing Heads ConÂcert Film You Haven’t Seen
David Byrne: How ArchiÂtecÂture Helped Music Evolve
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
I was at this conÂcert in SyraÂcuse while in gradÂuÂate school. The conÂcert was at JabÂberÂwocky, a small venue run by the UniÂverÂsiÂty stuÂdent comÂmitÂtee. The place was quite small and had small tables for patrons. It was a very intiÂmate setÂting. It was a great setÂting for a great conÂcert. As a side note, I preÂviÂousÂly saw TH at CBGÂB’s when they were still a trio, pre JerÂry HarÂriÂson. They opened for TeleÂviÂsion. What a conÂcert!
I was at the JabÂberÂwocky gig as well. This footage is not from there. There was no overÂhead lightÂing rig and directÂly behind the band was stuÂdent cafeÂteÂria — style food serÂvice to get fries and crap beer. EveryÂone was seatÂed at small tables. no more than 50 at this gig. I recall sitÂting maybe 10′ from Tina and David. JabÂberÂwocky was underÂneath one of the dinÂing halls and adjaÂcent to my freshÂman year dorm whose nmae eludes me at the moment!