German String Quartet Performs Vivaldi & Mozart in Delightfully Comical & Acrobatic Routine

Mak­ing the rounds on the inter­net is this per­for­mance by the Ger­man string quar­tet Salut Salon. Fea­tur­ing Ange­li­ka Bach­mann (vio­lin), Iris Siegfried (vio­lin and vocals), Anne-Moni­ka von Twar­dows­ki (piano) and Son­ja Lena Schmid (cel­lo), the quar­tet knows “bet­ter than any oth­er cham­ber music ensem­ble how to seduce their audi­ence with pas­sion­ate vir­tu­os­i­ty, instru­men­tal acro­bat­ics, charm and a great sense of fun.” Above you can get your week start­ed by watch­ing them per­form a mash-up of Vival­di, Mozart, and Kurt Weill. And to keep your day going, you can always watch 2Cellos bang­ing out a ver­sion of Guns N’ Ros­es “Wel­come to the Jun­gle” and this 14-year-old girl play­ing a blis­ter­ing heavy met­al per­for­mance of Vival­di. Enjoy.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Down­load Free Music from 150+ Clas­si­cal Com­posers, Cour­tesy of

A Big Bach Down­load: All of Bach’s Organ Works for Free

The Open Gold­berg Vari­a­tions: J.S. Bach’s Mas­ter­piece Free to Down­load

The World Con­cert Hall: Lis­ten To The Best Live Clas­si­cal Music Con­certs for Free

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.