30 Errol Morris Movies That Can Be Streamed Online

Why do I check into Metafil­ter every day? Just so that I don’t miss a post like this. A Metafil­ter com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber who goes by the name of “Going to Maine” has pulled togeth­er a list of Thir­ty Errol Mor­ris movies that can be streamed on YouTube. The list includes some of Mor­ris’ major doc­u­men­taries, but also many excel­lent short films (and inter­views) direct­ed by Mor­ris over the years. Above, you can see “Team Spir­it,” a bizarre lit­tle film Mor­ris made for ESPN about fans who are dead­ly seri­ous about sports. In fact, they take their love of sports right to the grave. Below, you can find var­i­ous oth­er Mor­ris films we’ve fea­tured over the years. They oth­er­wise reside in our col­lec­tion of Free Doc­u­men­taries, a sub­set of our Free Movies col­lec­tion.

How Benoit Man­del­brot Dis­cov­ered Frac­tals: A Short Film by Errol Mor­ris

Errol Mor­ris Cap­tures Com­pet­i­tive Eat­ing Cham­pi­on “El Wingador”

Watch A Brief His­to­ry of Time, Errol Mor­ris’ Film About the Life & Work of Stephen Hawk­ing

Novem­ber 22, 1963: Watch Errol Mor­ris’ Short Doc­u­men­tary About the Kennedy Assas­si­na­tion

“They Were There” — Errol Mor­ris Final­ly Directs a Film for IBM

11 Excel­lent Rea­sons Not to Vote?

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