Back in 2012, we feaÂtured a 1975 TalkÂing Heads conÂcert at CBGB, refÂerÂencÂing GenÂerÂaÂtion X author DouÂglas CouÂpÂland’s telling defÂiÂnÂiÂtion of who, exactÂly, conÂstiÂtutes that cohort: “If you liked the TalkÂing Heads back in the day, then you’re probÂaÂbly X.” SimulÂtaÂneÂousÂly ironÂic and sinÂcere, artisÂtic and comÂmerÂcial, ramÂshackle and polÂished, cereÂbral and impulÂsive: the senÂsiÂbilÂiÂties of David Byrne’s influÂenÂtial new-wave band and the zeitÂgeist proÂfile of GenÂerÂaÂtion X share too many qualÂiÂties to list. 1975, for a Gen Xer, would cerÂtainÂly count as “back in the day,” though perÂhaps a bit too far back in the day for many of them to have gained entrance to such a vibrantÂly scuzzy venue as CBGB. Just five years latÂer, though, many more of them would have come of just enough age to engage with the Heads, who by that point had blown up in popÂuÂlarÂiÂty, playÂing huge venues all over the world.
You may have seen the band playÂing Rome in 1980 when we postÂed that show in 2012, and today we give you anothÂer of their EuroÂpean gigs from that same breakÂout year, in DortÂmund. That locaÂtion, about 250 miles from CouÂpÂland’s CanaÂdiÂan Air Force base birthÂplace in GerÂmany, in a GerÂmany still dividÂed, brings to mind not just the imporÂtance of themes of the late Cold War to the novÂelÂist’s work, but to GenÂerÂaÂtion X itself, the last kids to grow up under the credÂiÂble threat of sudÂden nuclear anniÂhiÂlaÂtion. Such an uneasy psyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal and ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal enviÂronÂment would have an effect on the forÂmaÂtion of anyÂone’s creÂative mind, as it must also have on that of GenÂerÂaÂtion X’s preÂdeÂcesÂsors, the Baby Boomers — a group in which the 1952-born Byrne falls right in the midÂdle. The Cold War may have endÂed, but the TalkÂing Heads’ music, as you’ll expeÂriÂence in this DortÂmund conÂcert, tranÂscends both temÂpoÂral and geoÂgraphÂiÂcal conÂtext.
Set list:
- “PsyÂcho Killer”
- “Cities”
- “ZimÂbra”
- “Once in a LifeÂtime”
- “AniÂmals”
- “Crosseyed and PainÂless”
- “Life DurÂing Wartime”
- “The Great Curve”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The TalkÂing Heads Play CBGB, the New York Club that Shaped Their Sound (1975)
Live in Rome, 1980: The TalkÂing Heads ConÂcert Film You Haven’t Seen
David Byrne: How ArchiÂtecÂture Helped Music Evolve
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
The name of this band is TalkÂing Heads.
Of course you mean DortÂmund, West GerÂmany.
thank you for this.