In late 2012, an exhiÂbiÂtion called Shoot! ExisÂtenÂtial PhoÂtogÂraÂphy was held in LonÂdon. And it traced the hisÂtoÂry of an unusuÂal attracÂtion that startÂed appearÂing in EuroÂpean fairÂgrounds after World War I — the phoÂtoÂgraphÂic shootÂing gallery. It worked someÂthing like this: A conÂtesÂtant paid a litÂtle monÂey, and tried to hit the cenÂter of a tarÂget with a gun. If he or she hit the tarÂget, a camÂera took a phoÂto, and instead of winÂning a litÂtle toy, the conÂtesÂtant received a snapÂshot of him or herÂself shootÂing the gun. AccordÂing to the exhiÂbiÂtion, this side-show “fasÂciÂnatÂed many artists and intelÂlecÂtuÂals in its heyÂday, includÂing Simone de BeauÂvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Man Ray and Lee Miller.” You can see a gallery of phoÂtos here. But above, we have a picÂture of de BeauÂvoir and Sartre at the shootÂing gallery togethÂer. TakÂen at the Porte d’OrÂlĂ©ans fairÂground in Paris in June, 1929 — the same year the young philosoÂphers met — this phoÂtoÂgraph is, accordÂing to the blog Avec BeauÂvoir, the couÂple’s first picÂture togethÂer. Do note that de BeauÂvoir apparÂentÂly hit the tarÂget with her eyes closed. You can click the image to see it in a largÂer forÂmat.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Lovers and PhilosoÂphers — Jean-Paul Sartre & Simone de BeauÂvoir TogethÂer in 1967
Simone de BeauÂvoir Explains “Why I’m a FemÂiÂnist” in a Rare TV InterÂview (1975)
Free PhiÂlosÂoÂphy CoursÂes Online
SureÂly it should read “John Paul Sartre with Simone De BeauÂvoir and a gun.”
@ Mrs.Milk uhh…why? Simone De BeauÂvoir is as imporÂtant in her own right, she can lead the title.
If she hit the tarÂget, her eyes were open when she pulled the trigÂger.
The flinch capÂtured by the phoÂtoÂgraph is typÂiÂcal of a perÂson not accusÂtomed to using a firearm.
She didÂn’t shoot with her eyes closed. Whant hapÂpen is: as she shot, the sound of the gun and the impact made her close her eyes (after the shot). This was the lapse of time necÂesÂsary to the bulÂlet hit the tarÂget. That’s why when the picÂtures was takÂen she had her eys closed.
PágiÂna en español en honÂor a Simone de BeauÂvoir y Jean Paul Sartre: