NearÂly thirÂty years after his death, Andrei Tarkovsky (many of whose films you can watch free online) conÂtinÂues to win devotÂed fans by what some describe as his still-unparÂalÂleled masÂtery of aesÂthetÂics. Not only do all his picÂtures — and espeÂcialÂly his latÂer works like Solaris, MirÂror, and StalkÂer — present images of the deepÂest richÂness in a manÂner of the highÂest refineÂment, but in so doing they come out lookÂing and feelÂing like no othÂer films creÂatÂed before or since. So many cinephiles claim that one can idenÂtiÂfy their favorite direcÂtor’s work by only a sinÂgle shot, but for Tarkovsky this boast actuÂalÂly seems to hold true (espeÂcialÂly in the case of the nine-minute canÂdle-carÂryÂing shot from NosÂtalÂghia). When we talk about Tarkovsky, we talk about aesÂthetÂics, whether we talk about his films, his Polaroid phoÂtos, or his posters.
Not that Tarkovsky’s perÂfecÂtionÂism had him exerÂcisÂing total conÂtrol over the one-sheets that adverÂtise his films, nor did he actuÂalÂly comÂmand every visuÂal detail of every frame of the films themÂselves. I would subÂmit, howÂevÂer, that all who worked in the orbit of a Tarkovsky proÂducÂtion, from cinÂeÂmatogÂraÂphers to set builders, right down to the graphÂic designÂers, entered his thorÂoughÂly realÂized and affectÂing aesÂthetÂic realÂiÂty. “Tarkovsky is one filmÂmakÂer for whom I’d gladÂly have posters that simÂply feaÂture gorÂgeous images from his films (of which there are an unlimÂitÂed supÂply)” writes AdriÂan CurÂry at MUBI, “but there are so many terÂrifÂic illusÂtratÂed posters that I thought I’d just feaÂture my favorite for each film.” His selecÂtions include the French one for StalkÂer, the PolÂish one for MirÂror (because you can nevÂer ignore PolÂish movie poster design), and the RussÂian one for The SacÂriÂfice. It pays Tarkovsky one of the highÂest posÂsiÂble comÂpliÂments: he creÂatÂed not only beauÂty, but works that inspire othÂers to creÂate beauÂty.
A colÂlecÂtion of the interÂnaÂtionÂal movie posters for each of Tarkovsky’s major films can be found at
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online
Tarkovsky’s Advice to Young FilmÂmakÂers: SacÂriÂfice YourÂself for CinÂeÂma
Tarkovsky’s Solaris RevisÂitÂed
Andrei Tarkovsky’s Very First Films: Three StuÂdent Films, 1956–1960
The MasÂterÂful Polaroid PicÂtures TakÂen by FilmÂmakÂer Andrei Tarkovsky
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
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