JonÂny WilÂson, othÂerÂwise known as EclecÂtic Method, has made an art of “splicÂing togethÂer music, TV and film and setÂting it to high-enerÂgy dance beats.” He has also become someÂthing of a digÂiÂtal curaÂtor of pop culÂture. In the video above, WilÂson presents:
A video remix jourÂney through the hisÂtoÂry of samÂpling takÂing in some of the most notÂed breaks and riffs of the decades. A chronoÂlogÂiÂcal jourÂney from the BeaÂtÂles’ use of the MelÂlotron in the 60s to the samÂple dense hiphop and dance music of the 80s and 90s. Each break is repÂreÂsentÂed by a vibratÂing vinyl soundÂwave explodÂing into varÂiÂous tracks that samÂpled it, each re-use anothÂer chapÂter in the modÂern narÂraÂtive.
The audio track can be downÂloaded over at SoundÂCloud. If you dig this brief bit of musiÂcal hisÂtoÂry, you won’t want to miss some of the relatÂed items below.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
All Hail the Beat: How the 1980 Roland TR-808 Drum Machine Changed Pop Music
AbsoluteÂly Love it !!!! The hisÂtoÂry of music is the first thing someÂbody should know before jumpÂing into Music ProÂducÂtion !!!
Check this guide out on WHAT IS SAMPLING, it was helpÂful for me