Watch Soviet Animations of Winnie the Pooh, Created by the Innovative Animator Fyodor Khitruk

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In 1962, the ani­ma­tor Fyo­dor Khitruk made his direc­to­r­i­al debut with Sto­ry of One Crime, a film that broke with a Sovi­et ten­den­cy to make imi­ta­tions of Dis­ney-style ani­ma­tions. The film, as The Guardian explained in its 2012 obit­u­ary for the ani­ma­tor, came as a shock. It was styl­is­ti­cal­ly sim­ple and dealt with themes that Dis­ney films would nev­er touch — like, why would a polite clerk mur­der two house­wives with a fry­ing pan?

Khitruk made oth­er films that were packed with social com­men­tary, often tak­ing aim at abus­es in the Sovi­et sys­tem. But, he also made straight­for­ward ani­ma­tions for chil­dren, none more famous than his series of films based on AA Mil­ne’s beloved Win­nie the Pooh books.

Cre­at­ed between 1969 and 1972, Khitruk’s three films star a bear named “Vin­ni-Pukh” who looks noth­ing like the Win­nie the Pooh that West­ern­ers grew up with. (You can see the orig­i­nal illus­tra­tions of Pooh by E.H. Shep­ard here.) But view­ers will cer­tain­ly rec­og­nize the sto­ry­line and spir­it of the orig­i­nal Pooh in the Sovi­et adap­ta­tions. For decades, these films have enchant­ed East Euro­pean view­ers, both young and old. And they still occa­sion­al­ly appear on Russ­ian TV.

Part 1

Part 2

Above, you can watch the three ani­ma­tions online. They appear in the order in which they were released: 1) Win­nie-the-Pooh (Винни-Пух, 1969), 2) Win­nie-the-Pooh Goes on a Vis­it (Винни-Пух идет в гости, 1971); and 3) Win­nie-the-Pooh and the Day of Con­cern (Винни-Пух и день забот, 1972).

As not­ed up top, you might need to click the “CC” icon at the bot­tom of the YouTube videos in order to acti­vate the sub­ti­tles. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we can’t vouch for the accu­ra­cy of the trans­la­tions.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hear the Clas­sic Win­nie-the-Pooh Read by Author A.A. Milne in 1929

Two Beau­ti­ful­ly-Craft­ed Russ­ian Ani­ma­tions of Chekhov’s Clas­sic Children’s Sto­ry “Kash­tan­ka”

Watch The Amaz­ing 1912 Ani­ma­tion of Stop-Motion Pio­neer Ladis­las Stare­vich, Star­ring Dead Bugs

The Com­plete Wiz­ard of Oz Series, Avail­able as Free eBooks and Free Audio Books

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  • patriciadawn says:

    bril­liant sto­ry lines by A.A.Milne brought to russ­ian life. I love the brown russ­ian bear, piglet,owl and Eey­ore all over again and learn a russ­ian word or two!

  • Jan Young says:

    How absolute­ly delight­ful! Thank you for trans­lat­ing these won­der­ful sto­ries. I think Rus­sians, young and old, enjoy these sto­ries as much as I do. Thanks again.

  • Jean-Sophia Kramer says:

    Best ani­ma­tion I ever watched — wish there are more than 3 episodes. Each episode is so rich in detail and dry humour, it just gets bet­ter with mul­ti­ple view­ing. Vin­ni Pukh and his friends deserve more recog­ni­tion as some of the most lov­able ani­ma­tion char­ac­ters ever cre­at­ed, thank you for shar­ing these YouTube videos and spread­ing the joy!

  • klo says:

    This ver­sion is awe­some! It is a “must see”, plus the singing and voic­es brought and instant smile to my face. I LOVED IT!
    Beau­ti­ful ani­ma­tion, very unique draw­ings, and that Piglet is super sweet.
    Thanks for shar­ing this!

  • Eber Flamenco says:

    PLease vote fuor me 2021 El Per­si­dente of the UNTIED STATS USA straite shot tot teh top if yuo vote fuor EBER

    Now shhhhhh.…..shhhhhhh.… dont wake Pepe

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