Watch Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train A Comin’, the New PBS Documentary (Free for a Limited Time)

Def­i­nite­ly worth a quick men­tion. For a lim­it­ed time, PBS is mak­ing avail­able its lat­est film from its great Amer­i­can Mas­ters doc­u­men­tary series. My Train A Comin’ traces Jimi Hen­drix’s “remark­able jour­ney from his hard­scrab­ble begin­nings in Seat­tle, through his stint as a US Army para­troop­er and as an unknown side­man, to R&B stars until his dis­cov­ery and ulti­mate inter­na­tion­al star­dom.” It fea­tures “pre­vi­ous­ly unseen footage of the 1968 Mia­mi Pop Fes­ti­val, home movies, and inter­views with those clos­est to Jimi Hen­drix.” From what we can tell, PBS will keep this film online for only a mat­ter of days. So watch it while you can.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

In 1969 Telegram, Jimi Hen­drix Invites Paul McCart­ney to Join a Super Group with Miles Davis

Jimi Hen­drix Wreaks Hav­oc on the Lulu Show, Gets Banned From BBC

‘Elec­tric Church’: The Jimi Hen­drix Expe­ri­ence Live in Stock­holm, 1969

See Jimi Hendrix’s First TV Appear­ance, and His Last as a Back­ing Musi­cian (1965)

575 Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, Doc­u­men­taries & West­erns, etc.

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  • Ed Nixon says:

    Is it part of the mon­tage that the video freezes at about 1:25? Audio con­tin­ues…

    • Arkngt says:

      Works fine for me.

    • Nalrus says:

      I had to restart it a cou­ple of times, but it’s a small prize to pay. He played in my home town Aarhus, but had to stop after a few num­bers. He promised to come back and do a free con­cert, but sadly…nHe was unique; there’ll nev­er be anoth­er like him.

  • sufficious says:

    Why do they always glaze over the part in Jim­i’s sto­ry between his friend call­ing an ambu­lance and the hos­pi­tal try­ing to resus­ci­tate him? What hap­pened in the ambu­lance ride to the hos­pi­tal? Why did he actu­al­ly die?

  • Jamie LaVecchia says:

    Jimi was water board­ed by thugs so his man­ag­er who Jimi was about to fire for rip­ping him off could col­lect the $1,000,000.00 life insur­ance pol­i­cy he had on Jimi. nnIt is doc­u­ment­ed, when the EMT got Jimi to the hos­pi­tal and moved him on his side wine came gush­ing out of his throat. nFact:nWhen you choke on your own vom­it from an OD there in no flu­id left in the throat. He was held down and had wine poured down his throat until he drowned.nnlook it up for your­self the doc­u­men­tary is out their some­where

  • eddie says:

    so where was his girl­friend mon­ni­ka at this time, from what i under­stand they were both in the flat at the same time !!!

  • eddie says:

    there must have been signs of a strug­gle, scratch­es on the skin, bruis­ing or some­thing like that !!!

  • Donnie R THOMAS Jr. says:

    It’s hard to say what hap­pened to Jimi.Ist crazy how all the greats seem to pass so young.Morrison,Joplin,J.Bottom,half of Lynard Synard,Randy Roads,dime bag Daryl,kurt Cobain ETC…the list goes on. The only bright spot Is that as long as we live they shall also live, and it’s our duty to pass it on to our kids and so on. So the music will live on for­ev­er In out hearts.I only named a few of many.That touched us in a way nobody could.Maybe we’ll get lucky and have some­one move us in the way we need to be moved, but I’m afraid they’ll nev­er be anoth­er JIMI and the rest.May GOD HAVE MERCY on their groovy souls!!!AMEN and AMEN.

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