Image by F. Antolín Hernández, via Wikimedia Commons
Graham Nash, of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, has a new book out, Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life. And that means he’s doing interviews, many interviews. A couple of weeks ago, he spent an excellent hour on The Howard Stern Show (seriously). Next, it was off to chat with the more cerebral Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air.
In the midst of the interview (listen online here), Gross asked Nash to talk about his friendship with Neil Young, a man Nash has called “the strangest of my friends.” Just what makes him strange? Nash explains:
The man is totally committed to the muse of music. And he’ll do anything for good music. And sometimes it’s very strange. I was at Neil’s ranch one day just south of San Francisco, and he has a beautiful lake with red-wing blackbirds. And he asked me if I wanted to hear his new album, “Harvest.” And I said sure, let’s go into the studio and listen.
Oh, no. That’s not what Neil had in mind. He said get into the rowboat.
I said get into the rowboat? He said, yeah, we’re going to go out into the middle of the lake. Now, I think he’s got a little cassette player with him or a little, you know, early digital format player. So I’m thinking I’m going to wear headphones and listen in the relative peace in the middle of Neil’s lake.
Oh, no. He has his entire house as the left speaker and his entire barn as the right speaker. And I heard “Harvest” coming out of these two incredibly large loud speakers louder than hell. It was unbelievable. Elliot Mazer, who produced Neil, produced “Harvest,” came down to the shore of the lake and he shouted out to Neil: How was that, Neil?
And I swear to god, Neil Young shouted back: More barn!
To that we say, more Neil Young! Find more Neil right below.
Neil Young Busking in Glasgow, 1976: The Story Behind the Footage
‘The Needle and the Damage Done’: Neil Young Plays Two Songs on The Johnny Cash Show, 1971
The Time Neil Young Met Charles Manson, Liked His Music, and Tried to Score Him a Record Deal
Neil Young on the Travesty of MP3s
Stern is a great interviewer. Why the surprise?
I know it, for sure I’m not sure that others do — that they can get past the other parts of the show.
Good article, except for the author preferring lame-ass NPR to Howard Stern.
So if NPR is so lame, what the hell are you doing here?
Followed a link from The Loop.nnnNPR is for libtards.
People who use the term “libtards” are basically walking about with a sign around their neck that says “disregard my opinions, for I am a fool.”
It is amusing how eagerly they trumpet their fatuousness, though.
How’s your new heath care coming along ?
It is amusing how eagerly they trumpet their fatuousness, though.
People who are liberal are basically walking with a sign around their neck that says ” the government thinks for me because I can’t think for myself ”
LOL. Wingnut troll.
LOL. Wingnut troll.
LOL, Libtard troll
So unbelievably funny that you whine about “libtards” and yet you like Young, who is one of the most liberal musicians around. How do you reconcile this discrepancy, exactly?
The same Neil Young who praised Reagan
Great story! Music is joyful, and so is Neil.
“Young, who is one of the most liberal musicians around”
Now I’m a huge Neil Young fan and as liberal as they come. To describe Neil Young as one of the most liberal musicians around is grossly inaccurate. He’s had many flirations with the right in his storied career and if I’m not mistaken he was initially a big supporter of the first gulf war.
“… if I’m not mistaken he was initially a big supporter of the first gulf war.”
You, sir, are mistaken.
Suporter or not? I do know that the first Gulf war was a whole different “kettle of fish” than Jr’s.
since iwas in high school i really love the niel youngs music i really love his voice so i borowed my older brothers guitar and ask my mom to buy me a harmonica to imitate niel. he is the reason why until at present still singing in the band. niel young youre the great
Some genius produce unstoppable music. Thanks to Neil Young from Kirgisia.
i still have the complete collection of neils legendary albums.it wl be a fullband or a solo artist which i played in any events…i think hes still the best.…