“MurÂder!” exclaims the first word in the trailÂer above. “MysÂtery!!” the next conÂtinÂues. “TreachÂery!!! Romance!!!!” Before these claims can rack up a fifth exclaÂmaÂtion point, we learn the plight of the proÂtagÂoÂnist — “houndÂed by spies,” “huntÂed by police,” and “douÂble-crossed by the woman he loves.” The film? Alfred HitchÂcockÂ’s The 39 Steps, (watch free online here) his 1935 British thriller starÂring Robert Donat and Madeleine CarÂroll. The film has takÂen so many critÂiÂcal lauÂrels since its release that the way this trailÂer balÂlyÂhoos it like a potÂboilÂer comes as a shock. “It STARTS with a MURDER,” “and ENDS in a THRILL” — not to menÂtion a cerÂtain cinÂeÂmatÂic craft in between.
If you simÂply let the video run, it will treat you to 24 more trailÂers in a row for varÂiÂous HitchÂcock feaÂtures, from 1940’s ForÂeign CorÂreÂsponÂdent, “the thrill specÂtaÂcle of the year,” to 1946’s NotoÂriÂous, “darÂingÂly directÂed by that masÂter of susÂpense,” to 1976’s FamÂiÂly Plot, by which point breathÂless onscreen text had gone out of style, replaced by silÂly gags. These come courÂtesy of archive.org, which mainÂtains an Alfred HitchÂcock TrailÂer ColÂlecÂtion. Their repÂeÂtiÂtious promisÂes of thrills, susÂpense, mysÂtery, and intrigue of all stripes reminds us that, for all his pure filmÂmakÂing skill, HitchÂcock also actÂed simulÂtaÂneÂousÂly as his own best salesÂman: or rather, his picÂtures, preÂsentÂed in these tanÂtaÂlizÂing conÂdensed forms, sell themÂselves. Can we assume that, like everyÂthing else about a HitchÂcock movie, this didÂn’t hapÂpen by chance?
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Alfred Hitchcock’s Rules for WatchÂing PsyÂcho (1960)
Hitchcock’s SevÂen-Minute EditÂing MasÂter Class
37 HitchÂcock Cameos over 50 Years: All in One Video
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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