WritÂing about the sort of creÂators and works of art we do here at Open CulÂture, I conÂstantÂly strugÂgle not to overuse the word “iconÂic.” But in the case of actor and filmÂmakÂer CharÂlie ChapÂlin, no othÂer adjecÂtive could do. When we call ChapÂlin iconÂic, we mean it litÂerÂalÂly: not only did he find great sucÂcess as a comÂic figÂure in the silent-film era, he visuÂalÂly repÂreÂsents the conÂcept of a comÂic figÂure in the silent film era. Yet he didÂn’t attain icon staÂtus in just one form, havÂing conÂtinÂuÂalÂly tweaked, refined, and improved his look and senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty throughÂout his 75-year career. Now, 35 years after his death, we see all of these perÂforÂmances as subÂtly difÂferÂent but still recÂogÂnize them as expresÂsions of the broadÂer ChapÂlin perÂsona. At the top of the post, you can watch the film that estabÂlished his most beloved one, 1915’s The Tramp.
But the LitÂtle Tramp didÂn’t emerge fulÂly formed just then and there. TechÂniÂcalÂly, the charÂacÂter debuted in the preÂviÂous year’s Kid Auto Races at Venice, and even before that, ChapÂlin porÂtrayed a few felÂlows we might call proÂto-Tramps. Just above, you’ll find 1914’s MakÂing a LivÂing, a picÂture that casts the LonÂdon-born ChapÂlin, with hat, cane, and musÂtache, as flirÂtaÂtious thief HenÂry EngÂlish. His crimÂiÂnal ways lead him into the path of those othÂer silent-comÂeÂdy stalÂwarts (if not quite icons), the KeyÂstone Kops. A decade latÂer, ChapÂlin, by that point the quinÂtesÂsenÂtial writÂing-directÂing-actÂing auteur, wouldÂn’t need to share the screen. In 1925, he made the Klondike-set The Gold Rush, whose “streaks of poetÂry, pathos, tenÂderÂness, linked with brusqueÂness and boisÂterÂousÂness” drew speÂcial praise from the New York Times, and for which ChapÂlin said he wantÂed to be rememÂbered. You can watch it below, and then you can browse our colÂlecÂtion of 25 Free CharÂlie ChapÂlin Films on the web.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The PowÂer of Silent Movies, with The Artist DirecÂtor Michel HazÂanaviÂcius
HolÂlyÂwood, Epic DocÂuÂmenÂtary ChronÂiÂcles the EarÂly HisÂtoÂry of CinÂeÂma
4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & MoreColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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