In 1987, MarÂty Smith pubÂlished a spoof called The Jean-Paul Sartre CookÂbook in a PortÂland, OreÂgon alterÂnaÂtive newsÂpaÂper called the Free Agent. LatÂer, in 1993, it was repubÂlished in the Utne ReadÂer. And it starts with this premise:
We have been lucky to disÂcovÂer sevÂerÂal preÂviÂousÂly lost diaries of French philosoÂpher Jean-Paul Sartre stuck in between the cushÂions of our office sofa. These diaries reveal a young Sartre obsessed not with the void, but with food. ApparÂentÂly Sartre, before disÂcovÂerÂing phiÂlosÂoÂphy, had hoped to write “a cookÂbook that will put to rest all notions of flaÂvor forÂevÂer.” The diaries are excerptÂed here for your perusal.
Now for a couÂple of my favorite entries:
OctoÂber 3
Spoke with Camus today about my cookÂbook. Though he has nevÂer actuÂalÂly eatÂen, he gave me much encourÂageÂment. I rushed home immeÂdiÂateÂly to begin work. How excitÂed I am! I have begun my forÂmuÂla for a DenÂver omelet.
October 6
I have realÂized that the traÂdiÂtionÂal omelet form (eggs and cheese) is bourÂgeois. Today I tried makÂing one out of a cigÂaÂrette, some cofÂfee, and four tiny stones. I fed it to MalÂraux, who puked. I am encourÂaged, but my jourÂney is still long.
November 23
Ran into some oppoÂsiÂtion at the restauÂrant. Some of the patrons comÂplained that my breakÂfast speÂcial (a page out of RememÂbrance of Things Past and a blowÂtorch with which to set it on fire) did not satÂisÂfy their hunger. As if their hunger was of any conÂseÂquence! “But we’re starvÂing,” they say. So what? They’re going to die evenÂtuÂalÂly anyÂway. They make me want to puke. I have quit the job. It is stuÂpid for Jean-Paul Sartre to sling hash. I have enough monÂey to conÂtinÂue my work for a litÂtle while.
November 26
Today I made a Black ForÂest cake out of five pounds of cherÂries and a live beaver, chalÂlengÂing the very defÂiÂnÂiÂtion of the word “cake.” I was very pleased. MalÂraux said he admired it greatÂly, but could not stay for dessert. Still, I feel that this may be my most proÂfound achieveÂment yet, and have resolved to enter it in the BetÂty CrockÂer Bake-Off.
The diary entries conÂtinÂue here. And it just so hapÂpens that The New YorkÂer latÂer found Sartre’s long lost blog. You can read that online too.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Jean-Paul Sartre Breaks Down the Bad Faith of IntelÂlecÂtuÂals
WalÂter Kaufmann’s LecÂtures on NietÂzsche, Kierkegaard and Sartre (1960)
Sartre, HeiÂdegÂger, NietÂzsche: Three PhilosoÂphers in Three Hours
I thought the Jean Paul Sartre cookÂbook was “Beans and NothÂingÂness”