If you’re a New YorkÂer, you know this stretch of subÂway inside and out. You’ve schlepped from Union Square to Grand CenÂtral StaÂtion on the 4, 5, or 6 trains how many times? ProbÂaÂbly more than you care to count. But don’t worÂry, you’re in good comÂpaÂny. New YorkÂers have been makÂing this jourÂney since 1904, and here we have some vinÂtage video to prove it. Shot on May 21, 1905, sevÂen months after the IRT subÂway line opened, the video shows a train movÂing uptown. And then, durÂing the last minute, you can see the New YorkÂers exitÂing the train, svelte and dressed to the nines.
If you’re wonÂderÂing how this clip was shot, let me add this: A camÂera was mountÂed on a subÂway train folÂlowÂing anothÂer train on the same track. LightÂing was proÂvidÂed by a speÂcialÂly conÂstructÂed work car on a parÂalÂlel track.
This pubÂlic domain film can be found in the Library of ConÂgress’ EarÂly Motion PicÂture ColÂlecÂtion. The video itself comes to us via the New York DaiÂly News, where you can see maps and picÂtures of the earÂly 20th cenÂtuÂry subÂway sysÂtem.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The World’s First Mobile Phone Shown on 1922 VinÂtage Film
Berlin Street Scenes BeauÂtiÂfulÂly Caught on Film (1900–1914)
1927 LonÂdon Shown in MovÂing ColÂor
Rare ColÂor Footage of the 1939 World Series: YanÂkees v. Reds
great and conÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions
Loved going back in time like this. In black and white the staÂtions look the same for the most part. Just the way peoÂple are dressed is quite difÂferÂent. Thanks for postÂing this.
I am fasÂciÂnatÂed by the time of this film. It is like I am time travÂelÂling. Thank you so much for allowÂing m to see it.