Explore the Massive Stanley Kubrick Exhibit, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Until June 30

No Amer­i­can film­mak­er com­mands such over­whelm­ing crit­i­cal respect and pop­u­lar acclaim as Stan­ley Kubrick. A hero to art house film stu­dents and every­day lovers of sci-fi, hor­ror, and war movies, Kubrick’s metic­u­lous crafts­man­ship and vision­ary reimag­in­ing of genre films are leg­endary, and his genius is cur­rent­ly on dis­play at the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Muse­um of Art. Or at least it is until the end of the month.

The trav­el­ing Kubrick exhib­it, housed at LACMA since Novem­ber, will move on June 30, so if you’re in the area, don’t delay. The Kubrick exhib­it cov­ers his work as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er for Look mag­a­zine in the 1940s through his film­mak­ing achieve­ments from the 50s to the 90s. LACMA fur­ther describes the col­lec­tion on its site:

His films are rep­re­sent­ed through a selec­tion of anno­tat­ed scripts, pro­duc­tion pho­tog­ra­phy, lens­es and cam­eras, set mod­els, cos­tumes, and props. In addi­tion, the exhi­bi­tion explores Napoleon and The Aryan Papers, two projects that Kubrick nev­er com­plet­ed, as well as the tech­no­log­i­cal advances devel­oped and uti­lized by Kubrick and his team.

If you can’t make it to L.A., a YouTube user has cre­at­ed the won­der­ful three-part video tour of the exhib­it above, set to clas­sic Kubrick-ian film scores. Also, be sure to flip through the 100 pho­tos of the exhib­it—includ­ing shots of famous props, Kubrick’s cam­eras, lens­es, and scripts, and his director’s chair—at Jamie & Adam Test­ed.

Note: In con­junc­tion with the exhi­bi­tion, LACMA has cre­at­ed a free app for iPhone, iPad and Android. It “fea­tures pho­tographs, script notes, an inter­ac­tive time­line of Kubrick­’s career, and orig­i­nal inter­views with Stan Dou­glas, Elvis Mitchell, Chris Nolan, Ter­ry Semel, David Slade and Dou­glas Trum­bull about the direc­tor’s life and lega­cy. Excerpts from a rare 1965 inter­view with Kubrick, cour­tesy of Jere­my Bern­stein, are also includ­ed.”

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Rare 1960s Audio: Stan­ley Kubrick’s Big Inter­view with The New York­er

Stan­ley Kubrick’s Jazz Pho­tog­ra­phy and The Film He Almost Made About Jazz Under Nazi Rule

Room 237: New Doc­u­men­tary Explores Stan­ley Kubrick’s The Shin­ing and Those It Obsess­es

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Wash­ing­ton, DC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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