John Waters seems, now, to have a grand old time being John Waters. But what kind of triÂals must the direcÂtor of Pink FlaminÂgos have endured growÂing up in midÂcenÂtuÂry subÂurÂban AmerÂiÂca with his disÂtincÂtive set of interÂests, proÂclivÂiÂties, and aesÂthetÂics? The half-hour ChanÂnel 4 docÂuÂmenÂtary GrowÂing Up John Waters asks the filmÂmakÂer directÂly, and he responds with stoÂries of the many acts of rebelÂlion he’s had to engage in, from childÂhood through adultÂhood, to reach his full taste-transÂgressÂing potenÂtial. Along the way, we get his always enterÂtainÂingÂly askew (if ultiÂmateÂly senÂsiÂble) perÂspecÂtives on the earÂly sixÂties, reliÂgion, the Cold War, sports, shopliftÂing, the CivÂil Rights moveÂment, and Elvis.
RebelÂlion John Waters-style, as fans would expect, bears litÂtle resemÂblance to the ways we’ve long expectÂed kids to push back against authorÂiÂty. “What were your childÂhood fanÂtasies?” the interÂviewÂer asks as an openÂer. “I ain’t tellin’ you,” Waters responds. “If I ever write about my sex life, I’m makÂing the monÂey on it, not ChanÂnel 4.” And indeed, you can read much in his three books of prose now availÂable, but GrowÂing Up John Waters by no means skips on the insight, even in matÂters copÂuÂlaÂtoÂry. While disÂcussing the surÂreÂal nature of his movies’ love scenes, for instance, Waters makes an admisÂsion that foreÂshadÂows the theme of A Dirty Shame, which he would make a decade latÂer: “I love sex. But it would be betÂter if I had thought it up.”
(via DanÂgerÂous Minds)
RelatÂed conÂtent:
An Anti, Anti-SmokÂing AnnounceÂment from John Waters
John Waters: The Point of ConÂtemÂpoÂrary Art
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
If you’re interÂestÂed in a view of Waters that isn’t just interÂviews, but a fresh eyeÂwitÂness view of someÂone who worked with him for 15 years check out the book “Low BudÂget Hell:Making UnderÂground Movies with John Waters” — google it