PerÂhaps you haven’t givÂen Ralph ElliÂson any thought since readÂing InvisÂiÂble Man in high school. Watch the interÂview above, and you’ll have no choice but to conÂsidÂer his work and opinÂions again. Just past twenÂty minÂutes into this short docÂuÂmenÂtary called USA: The NovÂel, he reads an excerpt from a work of his that you may not have read: JuneÂteenth, the book that would folÂlow up InvisÂiÂble Man — 47 years latÂer. It saw pubÂliÂcaÂtion only in 1999, 33 years after this film on Ellison’s “work in progress,” and five years after his death. He’d writÂten over 2000 pages, and even then claimed to have lost porÂtions of the manÂuÂscript in a fire. One of Ellison’s biogÂraÂphers, John F. CallaÂhan, cut down and orgaÂnized the remainÂing mateÂrÂiÂal. AnothÂer of his biogÂraÂphers, Arnold RamÂperÂsad, doubts that the fire destroyed much of the trouÂbled novÂel at all.
Though Ellison’s work remains readÂiÂly availÂable — even JuneÂteenth reapÂpeared in 2012 in the 1101-page expanÂsion Three Days Before the ShootÂing… — the writer left behind fewÂer direct reflecÂtions than his fans and scholÂars might like. That makes footage like this all the more valuÂable, and, in it, he even addressÂes his tenÂdenÂcy to not to speak pubÂlicly: “I’m fasÂciÂnatÂed by how the interÂviewÂer’s mind works, and I’m also aware that, for all my shunÂning of a pubÂlic role which is divorced from my idenÂtiÂty as a writer, any kind of stateÂment I make, any time my face appears, there are a lot of peoÂple who are going to be interÂpretÂing my face, my stateÂments in terms of my racial idenÂtiÂty rather than in terms of the qualÂiÂty of what I have to say. PowÂer for the writer, it seems to me, lies in his abilÂiÂty to reveal only a litÂtle bit more about the comÂplexÂiÂty of humanÂiÂty.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
James BaldÂwin Bests William F. BuckÂley in 1965 Debate at CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty
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DonÂald Barthelme’s SylÂlabus HighÂlights 81 Books EssenÂtial for a LitÂerÂary EduÂcaÂtion
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
A shame he could nevÂer finÂish this work.