The 2013 baseÂball seaÂson starts next week, and it’s a time when hope springs eterÂnal — unless you root for the Cubs, the injury-laden YanÂkees, or the Pirates, IndiÂans, or varÂiÂous othÂer small marÂket teams. But let’s not get sideÂtracked by all of that. Today, we’re headÂing into the past, 20 years deep, and we’re thinkÂing about BaseÂball, Apple Pie and the GrateÂful Dead. You heard me right, the GrateÂful Dead. On April 12, 1993, JerÂry GarÂcia, Bob Weir, and Vince WelÂnick (then a keyÂboardist with the band) did the honÂors on openÂing day at CanÂdleÂstick Park, singing the nationÂal anthem before the San FranÂcisÂco Giants — FloriÂda MarÂlins game. If you thought the Dead could nevÂer carÂry a tune, you’re in for a litÂtle surÂprise.
A few key things to rememÂber about this 1993 moment. 1) It was the first seaÂson of baseÂball for the new MarÂlins expanÂsion team. 2) BarÂry Bonds was still skinÂny and lean and homeÂred in his first at bat. And 3) it was the only time that JerÂry sang the anthem at a ball game. Bob Weir and Phil Lesh made a return visÂit last fall.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
8,976 Free GrateÂful Dead ConÂcert RecordÂings in the InterÂnet Archive
NASA & GrateÂful Dead DrumÂmer MickÂey Hart Record CosÂmic Sounds of the UniÂverse on New Album
Bob Dylan and The GrateÂful Dead Rehearse TogethÂer in SumÂmer 1987. LisÂten to 74 Tracks.
A Year of GrateÂful Dead Tunes Up in a Mashup
It is the beginÂning of the baseÂball seaÂson and everyÂone believe their team have a shot of winÂning the penÂnant until around the midÂdle of May…another good thing about the baseÂball seaÂson, we know sumÂmer is on its way!!!
Thank God!!!
Pause this video at 2:11 and look at the flyÂing saucer!
NevÂer saw so many VW vans in the CanÂdleÂstick parkÂing lot that day!! It was an aweÂsome day that I won’t forÂget!