Pope John Paul II had a mixed legaÂcy. Some good, some bad. But whatÂevÂer your take on him, you have to give him this — the PonÂtiff could swing a good bat. VisÂitÂing CalÂiÂforÂnia in 1987, the 67 year-old Pope headÂed to the batÂting cages and startÂed linÂing sinÂgles and douÂbles, maybe even a few triples. As the video proÂceeds, we disÂcovÂer that the switch-hitÂting Pope had preÂviÂousÂly honed his batÂting skills in the VatÂiÂcan SoftÂball League. The clip conÂcludes with the graÂcious hosts givÂing the Pope the royÂal treatÂment, treatÂing him to a nice 1980s-style enerÂgy drink in a styÂroÂfoam cup. PretÂty posh. h/t MetafilÂter
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He looks like Obi Won Kanobi swingÂing a lightsaber…
Thats not the pope. DopÂpelÂgänger.
I wantÂed this to be real so bad…but close up it’s not him. Am I right?
Not the Pope — for one thing, based on their colÂlars, the Pope appears to be travÂelÂing with AngliÂcan priests not Roman Catholic priests. His accent is wrong, his shoes are wrong. Most likeÂly papal imperÂsonÂator Gene GreyÂtak — this was probÂaÂbly a stunt for Grand Slam USA.
This video was released by the VatÂiÂcan in 2006. It’s real.