Monsterpiece Theater Presents Waiting for Elmo, Calls BS on Samuel Beckett

Through­out the years, Sesame Street aired 37 episodes of Mon­ster­piece The­ater, a fun-lov­ing par­o­dy of PBS’s long-run­ning dra­ma series Mas­ter­piece The­atre. In this par­tic­u­lar episode, the host Alis­tair Cook­ie (aka Cook­ie Mon­ster) intro­duces “a mod­ern mas­ter­piece, a play so mod­ern and so bril­liant that it makes absolute­ly no sense to any­body.” Yes, we’re talk­ing about Wait­ing for Elmo, a two-minute clip that lam­poons — or dare I say polite­ly calls bull$hit on — Samuel Beck­et­t’s absur­dist 1953 play, Wait­ing for Godot. If you’ve nev­er expe­ri­enced the orig­i­nal play, you can watch a stag­ing that Beck­ett direct­ed in 1985 or read the orig­i­nal play here.

In the mean­time, it unfor­tu­nate­ly looks like we’re all going to be wait­ing for Elmo a bit longer … or, then again, maybe not.

via Bib­liok­lept

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