Back in 2008, Bruce SpringÂsteen threw himÂself vigÂorÂousÂly behind Barack ObaÂma’s camÂpaign. He played small conÂcerts on ObaÂma’s behalf, and then wrote on his perÂsonÂal web site that ObaÂma “speaks to the AmerÂiÂca I’ve enviÂsioned in my music for the past 35 years, a genÂerÂous nation with a citÂiÂzenÂry willÂing to tackÂle nuanced and comÂplex probÂlems, a counÂtry that’s interÂestÂed in its colÂlecÂtive desÂtiny and in the potenÂtial of its gathÂered spirÂit.” Fast forÂward four years, SpringÂsteen is back at it again, though perÂhaps with a few more reserÂvaÂtions. This sumÂmer, he told David RemÂnick, the ediÂtor of The New YorkÂer, that he admired ObaÂma “for the health-care bill, for resÂcuÂing the autoÂmoÂbile indusÂtry, for the withÂdrawÂal from Iraq, for killing Osama bin Laden.” But, on the flip side, he’s “disÂapÂpointÂed in the failÂure to close GuanÂtáÂnamo and to appoint more chamÂpiÂons of ecoÂnomÂic fairÂness, and .… an unseemÂly friendÂliÂness toward corÂpoÂraÂtions.” [This is The New YorkÂer paraÂphrasÂing his conÂcerns.] Aloud, he wonÂdered whether he could go out there again:
I did it twice because things were so dire.… It seemed like if I was ever going to spend whatÂevÂer small politÂiÂcal capÂiÂtal I had, that was the moment to do so. But that capÂiÂtal diminÂishÂes the more often you do it. While I’m not sayÂing nevÂer, and I still like to supÂport the PresÂiÂdent, you know, it’s someÂthing I didn’t do for a long time, and I don’t have plans to be out there every time.
That was in July. But, fast forÂward to OctoÂber and NovemÂber, and we find the Boss stumpÂing again for the presÂiÂdent in swing states. SpringÂsteen appeared in MadiÂson WisÂconÂsin today (below) and CharÂlottesville, VA on OctoÂber 23. You can watch the six-song acoustic set above, which feaÂtures “We Take Care Of Our Own,” “ForÂward, “The RivÂer,” “Promised Land,” “No SurÂrenÂder” and “ThunÂder Road.”
There’s not much that’s posÂiÂtive about this camÂpaign. Every day when you turn on the TV, we’re remindÂed of how speÂcial interÂests have corÂruptÂed our politic process, all with the blessÂing of the Supreme Court. But if there’s a silÂver linÂing to be found — a free set by the Boss — we’ll take it. Go out and vote tomorÂrow, no matÂter which canÂdiÂdate you supÂport. And we’ll see you on the othÂer side.
EveryÂone’s interÂests are “speÂcial”. VoicÂing those interÂests is not a corÂrupÂtion of the politÂiÂcal process. To the conÂtrary, it is the founÂdaÂtion upon which our politÂiÂcal sysÂtem rests and, for Mr. SpringÂsteen, it is what gives him the right to speak his mind (regardÂless of how misÂguidÂed he may be).
TireÂsome Mr. SpringÂsteen.