Samuel BeckÂetÂt’s absurÂdist play, WaitÂing for Godot, preÂmiered in Paris in 1953, at the Théâtre de BabyÂlone, under the direcÂtion of French actor, Roger Blin. Many othÂer direcÂtors staged the play in the years to come, each time interÂpretÂing it in their own way. All the while, BeckÂett comÂplained that the play was being subÂjectÂed to “endÂless misÂunÂderÂstandÂing.” HowÂevÂer, when an actor, Peter Woodthrope, once asked him to explain what Godot is all about, BeckÂett answered quixotÂiÂcalÂly: “It’s all symÂbioÂsis, Peter; it’s symÂbioÂsis.” Thanks for the clarÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion, Sam.
BeckÂett nevÂer gave a clear explaÂnaÂtion. But perÂhaps he offered up someÂthing betÂter. In 1985, BeckÂett directÂed three of his plays — WaitÂing for Godot, KrapÂp’s Last Tape and Endgame — as part of a proÂducÂtion called “BeckÂett Directs BeckÂett.” The plays perÂformed by the San Quentin PlayÂers toured Europe and Asia with much fanÂfare, and with BeckÂett exertÂing direcÂtoÂrÂiÂal conÂtrol. And do keep this in mind. BeckÂett paces things slowÂly. So you won’t hear your first sound until the 2:00 mark.
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Why is it “quixotÂic” to describe WaitÂing for Godot symÂbioÂsis? I looked it up and it is defined as: “interÂacÂtion between two difÂferÂent organÂisms livÂing in close physÂiÂcal assoÂciÂaÂtion, typÂiÂcalÂly to the advanÂtage of both.” That actuÂalÂly sums up the play quite well to me, and doesÂn’t seem parÂticÂuÂlarÂly foolÂish or impracÂtiÂcal.
(SorÂry, should read: “…describe WaitÂing for Godot as symÂbiÂotÂic.)
At 1:28 it says “DirectÂed by WalÂter D Asmus”… Can someÂone clarÂiÂfy how is this BeckÂett directÂing his play?
Although it is wonÂderÂful to have anothÂer verÂsion of Godot on the web to view, the descripÂtion of BeckÂetÂt’s involveÂment in this proÂducÂtion is not very accuÂrate. It makes it sound as if BeckÂett had nevÂer directÂed before. He had. He directÂed many of his plays before 1985, helped many direcÂtors with the stagÂing of his work (in letÂters and in perÂson), and even was Asmus’s assisÂtant direcÂtor for proÂducÂtions before this one in Berlin.
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