The CanaÂdiÂan pianist Glenn Gould was one of the most brilÂliant and idioÂsynÂcratÂic interÂpreters of the music of Johann SebasÂtÂian Bach. In this 1962 speÂcial for the CanaÂdiÂan BroadÂcastÂing CorÂpoÂraÂtion, Gould reveals the same brilÂliance and idioÂsynÂcrasy in his underÂstandÂing of Bach’s place in hisÂtoÂry.
Bach, says Gould, was not so much ahead of his time as outÂside it. “For Bach, you see, was music’s greatÂest non-conÂformist, and one of the supreme examÂples of that indeÂpenÂdence of the artisÂtic conÂscience that stands quite outÂside the colÂlecÂtive hisÂtorÂiÂcal process.”
“Glenn Gould on Bach,” was first broadÂcast in CanaÂda on April 8, 1962, two years before Gould’s retireÂment from perÂformÂing and only two days folÂlowÂing his conÂtroÂverÂsial Carnegie Hall conÂcert with the New York PhilÂharÂmonÂic, in which Gould’s interÂpreÂtaÂtion of the BraÂhams D‑minor piano conÂcerÂto was so eccenÂtric that Leonard BernÂstein felt comÂpelled to make a disÂclaimer to the audiÂence. The cenÂterÂpiece of the Bach broadÂcast is a perÂforÂmance of the CanÂtaÂta BWV 54 feaÂturÂing the AmerÂiÂcan counÂtertenor RusÂsell OberÂlin. “Glenn Gould on Bach” is a fasÂciÂnatÂing and enterÂtainÂing half hour–essential viewÂing for lovers of Baroque and ClasÂsiÂcal music.
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Free Bach Music:
The Open GoldÂberg VariÂaÂtions: J.S. Bach’s MasÂterÂpiece Free to DownÂload
A Big Bach DownÂload: The ComÂplete Organ Works for Free
.……it had to be tough to be Glenn Gould .…
after awhile, this vocalÂist starts to sound like DiaÂmanÂda Galas … which I dig
subÂtiÂtles are amazÂing!!!
The tranÂscripÂtion is RIDICULOUS. Why proÂvide text if is THIS faulty? Can’t watch, bc. I autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly read. And what I read is noneÂsenÂsiÂcal.
YouTube is beta testÂing their autoÂmatÂic subÂtiÂtle genÂerÂaÂtor???
I also can’t help but try to “read”. What a mess…very disÂtractÂing.
The transcript/subtext is appalling and not to corÂrect it, Youtube, is disÂreÂspectÂful to Gould as well as JSB…
C’mon, you can do betÂter than this and we deserve betÂter too
What a wonÂder it would be to hear Bach through Gould’s ears, through his underÂstandÂing, both his intelÂlecÂtuÂal and emoÂtionÂal underÂstandÂing. I bring so litÂtle, comÂpared to Gould, to Bach and so come away with so much less than Gould. True enough, the reward is earned and so belongs to Gould and not me, but if just once Gould’s ears.