YesÂterÂday we postÂed about the TalkÂing Heads’ days playÂing at CBGB, the LowÂer East Side nightÂclub rock hisÂtoÂriÂans now disÂcuss in hushed, revÂerÂent tones. (Full name: CBGB OMFUG, or “CounÂtry, BlueÂgrass, Blues, and OthÂer Music for UpliftÂing GorÂmanÂdizÂers.”) Though the place finalÂly closed its doors in a rent disÂpute six years ago, you can still visÂit it on the interÂnet through this virÂtuÂal tour. You’ll have to guide yourÂself, but much of the fun comes in the freeÂdom to explore. BeginÂning your jourÂney in the womÂen’s restroom, you can then proÂceed howÂevÂer you like, clickÂing from room to room and examÂinÂing the legÂenÂdarÂiÂly gritÂty surÂroundÂings in all 360 degrees. If you once played or freÂquentÂed CBGB, the expeÂriÂence may well take you back, albeit with much brighter lightÂing than you rememÂber. Or if, like me, you once played a lot of graphÂic advenÂture games on the comÂputÂer, the tour’s interÂface will cerÂtainÂly take you back to that as well.
Purists will have objecÂtions to a virÂtuÂal tour of a place of such raw physÂiÂcalÂiÂty as CBGB: you can’t feel the stickÂiÂness of the floors, you can’t smell the mixÂture of aggresÂsive odors, you can’t trip over that one irregÂuÂlar step on the stairs, and you espeÂcialÂly can’t hear the awe-inspirÂing ampliÂfiÂcaÂtion sysÂtem. But you can look close and long at the club’s culÂturÂal palimpsest of stickÂers, grafÂfiÂti, fliers, and hard-knocked cement. ConÂverÂsaÂtions sproutÂed up on MetaFilÂter both when CBGB closed and when this virÂtuÂal tour debuted: some comÂmenters loved the place, while othÂers couldÂn’t bear it; some comÂmenters regretÂted its passÂing, while othÂers thought it had long since become a shadÂow of itself. Some seemed to feel all of this at once. As one MeFite said, “Those bathÂrooms are just as disÂgustÂing as I rememÂber them being. I miss the hell out of that place.”
RelatÂed conÂtent:
The TalkÂing Heads Play CBGB, the New York Club that Shaped Their Sound (1975)
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
Why the servÂer is not workÂing when I click on the virÂtuÂal tour?
Im realÂly interÂestÂed to check out but its sad that it’s not workÂing…
can you fix it please? :(