As everyÂone sureÂly knows by now, SalÂly Ride died this past MonÂday at age 61 from panÂcreÂatÂic canÂcer. An astroÂnaut, physics proÂfesÂsor at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia, and beneÂfacÂtor of young stuÂdents, Ride dedÂiÂcatÂed her life to sciÂence eduÂcaÂtion. In the video above, from NASA’s Jet PropulÂsion LabÂoÂraÂtoÂry, she describes how the shutÂtle proÂgram she was so much a part of helped proÂvide eviÂdence for what sciÂenÂtists now describe as cliÂmate change.
Ride entered the space proÂgram in 1978 and made her first space flight in 1983 and her secÂond in 1984, becomÂing the first woman to do a spaceÂwalk. As the Smithsonian’s tribÂute to SalÂly Ride points out, what made her flight difÂferÂent from that of the first SoviÂet woman in orbit twenÂty years earÂliÂer is that she was the first in “a steady queue of women going to work in space.” She did not take the honÂor of being a “first” lightÂly: after her retireÂment from NASA in 1987, she foundÂed her own comÂpaÂny, SalÂly Ride SciÂence, to motiÂvate young peoÂple, espeÂcialÂly young girls, to purÂsue careers in math, sciÂence, and techÂnolÂoÂgy.
In the video, Ride’s quiÂet optiÂmism shines through her disÂcusÂsion of a pheÂnomÂeÂnon that can seem dire. While she faults our techÂnolÂoÂgy for causÂing globÂal cliÂmate shifts, she was optiÂmistic that simÂiÂlar appliÂcaÂtions of techÂnolÂoÂgy can help us, as she puts it above, “solve the probÂlem we creÂatÂed for ourÂselves.”
NASA’s webÂsite has a detailed tribÂute to SalÂly Ride, includÂing a short video in which she disÂcussÂes both of her shutÂtle misÂsions.
For more inforÂmaÂtion about the sciÂence of cliÂmate change, see this extenÂsive free course from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo.
Thank you for this short clip of Dr. Ride –what a wonÂderÂful perÂson she was…!!
SalÂly Ride Warns Against GlobÂal WarmÂing; WonÂders If TechÂnolÂoÂgy Can Save Us From OurÂselves | Open CulÂture